The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/30/2020 1:20 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #40 (05/06/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Lacey Evans

- HWL Tag Team Championship - OvE vs. Jurassic Express

- HWL Cruiserweight Championship - Humberto Carrillo vs. Tomasso Ciampa

- Keith Lee vs. Luke Gallows vs. Wolfgang

- Andrade vs. Aleister Black vs. Velveteen Dream


5/05/2020 10:08 am  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #40 (05/06/20)

* oVe camera is on, we are seen with both the tag team champions and the television champion. As all three men are sitting down and thinking about tomorrow's match. *

Dave: We got quite an ordeal tomorrow night boss.

Jake: I don't think so Dave. Those Jurrasic Express got nothing on us. They think that just because they got their personal narrator documenting their actions is going to do something about it.....but they are wrong.

Dave: Yeah. They want everyone to believe that they got our number. When in fact, WE are the most dominant tag team that HWL has ever had. You can send in Luchasaurus. You can send in Jungle Boy. can even sent the munchkin in Marko Stunt. But WE aren't like any other tag team you ever faced before.

Jake: No no no. We are from Ohio. And us Ohio folks got ruthless agression in our vein. Nothing they can dish out will stop our reign of terror. So make all the proclamation with your little stupid narrator. It won't change the course of our success here in HWL. At the end of the day, you are all hype but no action.

Dave: Jurrasic Express. We are looking forward to putting an extinct end to your little crew....once and for all. As we Ohio native will make it our mission to keep this tag team titles out of your dirty paws. And that.... is a guarantee.

* Sami interjects. *

Sami: ENOUGH TALKING. We heard enough about you two for one God damn second.

Jake: Damn Boss, what's biting your funny bone. Is it the fact that you have to defend the title belt against the Women's champion, Lacey Evan?


Dave: Then what is it? What's troubling you.

Sami: The fact that she got some nerves in challenging me. The sickest, dirtiest and most aggressive son of a bitch HWL has ever had. But I don't blame her. Since all of the women's division can't stack up to her mightniness. That's why she issued the challenge to me.

Jake: But boss, does she really know what's going to happen once you in the ring with her?

Sami: I don't know about that Jake. All I do know is that if she think she can take me on. She got another thing coming. For the past few months here in HWL, I've face many obstacles. So it doesn't surprise me that another female athlete challenged me for this coveted title. Charlotte Flair saw first hand the tactics I used. So if I were Lacey, I pay close attention. That way, she can be prepare to what's going to be unfolded tomorrow night.

Dave: I don't think she'll be a problem for you.

Sami: She won't. all know the gameplan if everything goes south.

Jake: For sure. Nobody is taking our titles anytime soon.

Sami: Good. Cause I'm itching for some liquor. Let's roll out boys. And Lacey, I'll see you tomorrow night. Hope you brought a big napkin. You'll need it after I'm through with you. We out.

* oVe camera turns off. *


5/05/2020 6:13 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #40 (05/06/20)

* Tomasso Ciampa *

Goldie.....the quest has begun. The journey is now it's start. It begins with you, Humberto Carillo. Your Cruiserweight title is the key to getting there. And tomorrow night is no exception. For months I have been casted aside, looking for a way back to you Goldie. And the time is now. With the defeat of Humberto, I will climb the treacherous mountain that awaits in the other side.

It won't be long before we reunite again my dear. Tick tock, Humberto. Take one good at yourself in that mirror you hold. Maybe, just maybe you'll see the true nature of my quest. Daddy is coming to get that Cruiseweight. It's true. It's written down in stones. The Black Heart beats once more. Tomorrow....Daddy will rise again.


5/05/2020 6:25 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #40 (05/06/20)

Jurassic Express

Cameras come into focus on a ring in the jungle. Luchasaurus is acting as an opponent, so that Marko Stunt and Jungle Boy can train and practice moves.

Narrator: Hello. Glad you could join our trio once again. This evening, they train with each other, for the next step in their quest at complete HWL Championship glory. Tomorrow night, they face oVe for the HWL World Tag Team Championship. The Luchasaurus acts as the opponent, while Jungle Boy and the Babysaurus get ready to do what many think they won't. Beat the tag team that claims to be not like the others. Many teams make this claim. It really means nothing that you are from Ohio, so are lots of others. It really means nothing to work with Sami Callihan or drink your faces off...the Jurassic Express has proven that already.

Tomorrow night, they add the tag team championship to their resume. Tomorrow night, they show the world that they are the team that are not like any other. They will go on to show you all, there will never be another team like them.


5/05/2020 7:14 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #40 (05/06/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

I know what most people must be thinking, after belittling Charlotte Flair for wrestling with the men, why have I signed the dotted line for an HWL Television Championship match against a nasty like Sami Callihan, well when Mr. Cueto and Mr. Sugar tell you that you are a top contender for a title like that it is quite flattering, so while I dont usually like to mix it up with the men, but when the chance of being a dual champion in the HWL presents itself its just something you have to take a chance at, so Sami, for every Lady there is a counterpart and that counterpart is Gentleman,, and a Gentleman is a man who presents himself with class and dignity and seeing how you are a MAn who likes to spit in the faces in the woman and put up your one finger salute...its easy to tell that you are far from a Gentleman...and I think that if the HWL is going to have a Television Champion then we should at least have a Champion we are proud of, someone who we can look up too...and who better to look up too then your HWL World Ladies Champion, I have been ruling over the Ladies in that division with an Iron Fist, so Here I am...A nasty in my way, a chance to be a role model for a division that needs one, and Sami considering the streak I have been on lately...I dont like your odds honey...and Dont think that just because you are a man that you are going to run rampart on me, I have wiped the floor the nyla Rose and she looks like she could eat your for brunch sugar, so honey boy tomorrow evning I am coming for not only you but I am comingL to be a dual champion here in the HWL and to be the only Woman to hold both a title for Men and a title for Women at the exact same time...I hope you have had your fun making a mockery of the HWL because after tomorrow night you are not going to have anything to show for it!! and I will have two titles with me and show everyone how a real lady handles business!!!


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