The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/23/2020 11:18 am  #1

Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

- HWL World Heavyweight Championship - David Arquette vs. Roderick Strong

- HWL Women's World Championship - Lacey Evans vs. Nyla Rose

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Finn Balor

- Tag Team #1 Contender's Match (winners to face OvE next week) - The Briscoes vs. Jurassic Express vs. Lucha Bros

- Cruiserweight #1 Contender's Match (winner to face Humberto Carrillo next week) - Jack Gallagher vs. Drew Gulak vs. Tomasso Ciampa


4/24/2020 7:10 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

Roderick Strong

This is what I meant. No longer underutilized. No longer in the shadows. At the forefront of what's buzzing, now in the main event, competing for the HWL World Heavyweight Championship. The dream of a lifetime. At what cost though.

I have to step in the ring with someone that deserves to be in the shadows. A privileged, entitled, egotistical, douche bag, d list actor. A man who only once had a shred of credibility only because he married someone more popular. Like everything he does it fell apart. The man couldn't actually have strength, be strong if you will even if he had to. David Arquette. Years ago, when the boss of this perfect organization first allowed to compete, it was a little bit inspiring. That didn't last very long and it was taking everyone else's spot, not delivering but constantly receiving what he never deserved.

David, you are someone who belongs in my spot, same as I belong in yours. On Overdrive, I deliver again, show the world that being Strong isn't in every one of us, as I become the new, HWL, World...Heavyweight....Champion


4/25/2020 9:49 am  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

* Sami Callihan is on the rafters of HWL. *

SC: Jungle Boy, I'm glad you TRIED to put up a fight. But in the end we knew that you didn't had it in you pipsqueak. Now, I direct my attention towards the gentlemen known as Finn Balor. Personally, I'm thrilled to have a guy like me challenge me for my Television title. Unlike my last challenger, you serve more of a threat. That's why it will be my honor to dish out as much pain and mayhem as I can. Cause for months I told the world that I was going to bring legitimacy into this company and I did just that.

* He looks at his Television title. *

SC: Winning this Television title was the first step. Then having my compadres Dave and Jake take the tag titles was the second step. Now....comes the next step of our path of destruction. And that's to take HWL hostage. In order to do that, we need to make a statement. Sadly that statement begins with you Finn. Unlike Jungle Boy, you are a person that people look up in the face of fear.

* He paces around the rafters. *

SC: That's why at Overdrive, I'm planting the face of hope straight down to the hell. Cause nobody in this industry has the passion, guts and strategic mind like I have. NO ONE. Guys like David Arquette, Bray Wyatt, Marty Scull. They all look to cement their legacy as individual. However.....

* Suddenly the rest of oVe are seen climbing up to the rafters as they stand behind him. *

SC:.....we as a unit. We look to thrive from our union. So whether you like us or hate us. At the end of the day, we clock in. We dish out some chaos and utter destruction. We clock out. It's that simple. So Finn, hope you made the right choice on challenging for this title. Wednesday night will truly be a reckoning day. A night where your legacy....comes to a halt.

* Scene fades off. *

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (4/25/2020 9:49 am)


4/26/2020 2:03 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

:The camera shows David Arquette sitting under a lit lightbulb holding the HWL World Heavyweight Championship:

David Arquette

I told you Fiend...I told you...YOU COME IN MY HOUSE YOU ARE GOING TO EAT THE FOOD THE WAY I MAKE IT...and Eat it you did and I may have almost killed myself in the process, but I crawled out a now Seven Time Overall HWL World Heavyweight Champion...Now I don't know about you Bray, I don't know if you crawled or hobbled or waddled or anything out the door of Breakdown Palace, but I know damn sure you didn't Walk Out like promised...but on your way out...did you happen to see anyone waiting out in the yard for this...did you happen to see a Messiah waiting for his turn to come into the Palace? Rodrick Strong...The Messiah of The Back Breaker...One of the hardest working men I have ever seen in the ring...and you...You are the next one to enter Breakdown Palace....are you sure you are ready for that Roddy? Look what happen to The Fiend? The Fiend!! One of the most dangerous people ever to step foot in a ring, walked himself into Breakdown Palace and Me, I, David Arquette LET HIM IN and and I Took the what chance do you think you have? But I know you arent going to walk away, you arent going to turn away from my Palace doors, because You and I both know Roddy that I serve anyone you don't have to stand on my lawn much longer and you can walk on into Breakdown Palace...but Just don't walk out...and on Overdrive you are going to find that out for sure....I serve anyone Roddy and on Overdrive that Includes you, but there is no way I am going to just come into my Palace, open my fridge and let you put your hands inside and take whats mine...I went through Hell and Fiend to get this title and I am not going to let some....Heartache....Take it from it!!!


4/26/2020 9:17 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

Roderick Strong

Tisk tisk. David Arquette decided to speak up. David decided he wanted to address me, but not so much what I had to say.

Let me make something clear for you David. It is Roderick, not Rodrick. Only my family calls me Roddy, and even then that is few and far between. I always saw going by or being called Roddy as disrespectful to Piper. He is the only man in this business deserving of that name, that nickname, abbreviation. That said, I digress.

I could care less about what you went through with the overgrown, hairy creepy manchild. Ooh, you had to earn something, didn't you David? Pfft, the only thing you have ever truly earned in your life is abundances of people not flocking to see you or your shades of a b-list acting career. You expect those people to care about you, care about the fact that you actually had to show yourself, that you actually had to stand up to those in this business that truly have talent, versus the land of make believe and outlaw mudshow bullshit you are used to.

Shame on you David. Those people will never care about you, and will never care about the facade you put on believing that you are worthy of being called a wrestler, let alone being called the HWL World Heavyweight Champion. On Overdrive, I do what I do. I be who I be. I beat the last ounce of any sort of respect you have out of you, and when I am done...when I am done I will stand above you, and your breakdown palace, as the new HWL World Heavyweight Champion.

Oh, and by the way, there is help for what you are going through, all the way across the country, there are trained professionals certified to assist with mental health struggles. I will make sure I leave you with some life, so that when you check in, you can tell them, that the new HwL World Heavyweight Champion told you that there is only one man that can truly be Strong, and that is RODERICK!


4/28/2020 1:27 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

David Arquette

Really? Mr. Strong, Is that really what you are going to nitpick about? Forgive the mispronunciation of your name, but are you really going to argue what I can and cant call you? Is that what this is telling going to become about? Regardless you should care what I went through with that manchild, because I went toe to toe with what some people believe one of the most dangerous entities the wrestling world has ever seen, I let him in, I let him into Breakdown Palace and I made him the janitor...Yeah I have a couple scars now to show for it, and that son of a bitch isn't going to be the same either, and I may have talked a lot of smack...but I got the job done. Speaking of getting the Job Done...Overdrive tomorrow night I have Mr. Strong, and Mr. Strong you alluded to some mental health issues I may or may not have, and you know what? I ain't even mad, ever since I made my HWL Comeback and got in my mindset...and you know what Mr. Strong, you may be right, maybe there are a couple nuts and bolts upstairs loose...or maybe you could say a couple light bulbs upstairs aren't lit all the way...and the truth is Mr. Strong...

I like it that way...

I like being this way, I like being unstable, I like not knowing what I am capable of, I like not knowing that I could flip the switch at any second and lose control of everything inside of my body and that should be another reason of why you should be just a little bit concerned to get into the ring with me, listen, Mr. Strong, I know you are just like the many other people I have been in the ring with that think I am just the B-List Actor, and should have never been in a wrestling ring, I ruined WCW the list goes on and on, and I will audit you are an incredible wrestler....but have you ever stepped into the ring with someone who could just snap at any second? Have you ever stepped into the ring with someone who has nothing at all to lose? The only thing I have to lose is the HWL World Heavyweight Championship, and I sure as hell don't want to lose that anytime soon...We are at a stalemate you and I. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain...I have nothing to lose mentally...David Arquette cant be killed...So tomorrow night, I am not going to be held responsible for what happens during our match nor will I be for what happens those certified mental health experts you speak of, get one on speed dial, because after tomorrow night...When you think of me...I am going to be your VIETNAM...I am going to make sure that whenever you think about are going to associate it for the time when you made a huge mistake by stepping into the ring with me and kidding yourself by thinking you were going to become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion!!!


4/28/2020 1:59 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

"The Lady of HWL" Lacey Evans

My My My, HWL keeps lining them up and Lacey Evans just keeps knocking them down, not even The Queen could take the "World Ladies Championship" away...and now...Nyla Rose somehow got Her...Him...Hmm...Themselves into a Championship match...Needless to say you are not really worthy to be the HWL World Ladies Champion, and in all honesty you arent even qualified to be the HWL World Womens Champion now are you? For anyone who doesn't know what I am talking about, I am about to expose Nyla Rose, Nyla or Su as people know her better as, Su is the first Openly Transgender wrestler, which some people will pat her on the back and tell her how brave she is for pursuing their dream with that large of a monkey on their back, but darling, I am not one of those people. The fact that you are Transgender wrestling for title that is for Women or Ladies makes me absolutely sick, you may have a paint job of a lambo but underneath it we all know you are a pinto, so you should have stuck to wrestling with the men...but since you think you can hang with The Lady of HWL, then pull yourself a seat at my dinner table honey and I will show you some manners you nasty thing, because Su or Nyla regardless what you associate with the outcome remains the same and that is eventually I knock you out and I retain my HWL World Ladies Championship. I have held this title with so much class, sophistication and dignity that I am not going to allow some classless transgender who gets a pair of implants and tucks away a package night in and night out take it all away from me, Their are standards when it comes to being the World Ladies Champion and you don't check any of them boxes, you don't even check the Woman part of the box, after tomorrow night when I retain my title...I can honestly say this without getting a fine from Mr. Cueto or Mr. Sugar...but you Nyla Rose can honestly....go Screw Yourself...


4/28/2020 7:14 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

* Nyla Rose *

So that's how we going to start the subject. Whoopie Doo. I don't care what you have to say to me. I'm proud of who I am. And I'll be damn if I let you run your big mouth at me. Like it or not, I'm the Native Beast who's going to infiltrate your little title reign. Telling me I'm not good enough to be a women's champion because I'm a transgender means I can rough around the boy and still be a flower to the ladies.

But you Lacey, you are everything  woman, transgender or man hate. A snotty little drama queen who doesn't know when to stop gloating. The only reason your the champion is because you haven't step in the ring with me. You got that toots. So keep your beehive shut and listen to me. Tomorrow night, everyone will be watching our title match. HWL's Classic Lady versus HWL's Native Beast. They hear the title. People at home cheering both sides. But no one will be around to hear it.

Hear what? They won't get to listen to you beg for mercy once I get my hands on you. They'll just watch in horror as I throw you around, like a rag doll. Thrown left to the right. Nowhere to run. Only inside the Native Beast's grasp. Then we take one trip up. One slam dunk later....and 1......2.....3. Your new HWL Women's champion.....The Native Beast, Nyla Rose. Night night Lacey. Keep that title warm for me honey. From a lady to a beast.

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (4/28/2020 7:15 pm)


4/28/2020 7:17 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

Roderick Strong

I should have expected this. I should have expected that the piss stain on the underwear of professional wrestling would not understand what it means to work for what you have...nay, truly work for what you have.

David, do you not have an idea of what my career has entailed? Are you that consumed by the idea that somehow you deserve to have any time in any limelight that you don't have a clue what it means to literally bleed, sweat and cry your way up to the big leagues of professional wrestling for years, just so you can get enough money to stop having to rely on someone else for transportation, for living, for your way to the top. I have spent my entire career showing the world why I am the one that they should focus on, that I have absolutely nothing to lose...and before you say "oh well what about your wife and family" well David I don't really know what it feels like to go through divorce and still have to work together. Still have to try and maintain something. Marina is a saint. I digress.

Sir, I only call you Sir to appease you in calling me Mister Strong, in a shameful attempt at flattery I might add but still. I set the bench mark for what it means to truly be Strong. You like being deranged? You think that gives you even more of an advantage don't you? I want to point something else out. When you truly are confident, when you truly have nothing to lose, truly are comfortable with your wouldn't shy away from admitting someone is a great wrestler.

When I beat you at Overdrive David, when I take the HWL World Heavyweight Championship, I want you to really take a moment, and do an AUDIT, of how great your so called "HWL Comeback" has truly been.

Last edited by Rossetti (4/28/2020 7:17 pm)


4/28/2020 7:26 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Overdrive #39 (04/29/20)

* Tomasso Ciampa *

Goldie, they don't want us together. Marty denied me the chance back at you. I can't bare to think how I can function without grasping you one more time. But faith reveals with irony as another title opportunity awaits me. The Cruiserweight title. And now I know what I have to do to get you back. It starts tomorrow night when I face Drew Gulak and Jack Gallagher.

These are my obstacles. I will not let them stop me from getting to you Goldie. At Overdrive, I'll write a new chapter in my book in quest for the World title. First stage, become the number one contender for the Cruiserweight title. It won't be long Goldie, Daddy coming soon. He just has to make a few stop before I get you in my arms once more. It won't be long now. Jack. Drew. I'll see the both of you soon enough.


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