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4/22/2020 6:06 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #38 (04/22/20)

The pyros kick off another weekly episode of HWL Overdrive and tonight, fresh off crowning a NEW World Heavyweight Champion at Spring Stampede, we’ll find out who his first challenger is going to be as three men vie for the #1 Contendership and a title opportunity right here next week. On the women’s side of things, Lacey Evans retained her World Championship and will defend it next week against the winner of another #1 Contender’s Match that takes place right here tonight. That and much more.
We’re kicking things off with the men tonight as Brodie Lee, Roderick Strong and Joe Coffey make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender’s Match – Brodie Lee vs. Roderick Strong vs. Joe Coffey
The match gets under way with Lee and Coffey hammering away at each other. Lee then whips Coffey off into the ropes and knocks him flat with a Discus Lariat. Strong charges in and Lee goes for a Big Boot, but Strong ducks under it and then hits the big man with a German Suplex. Strong then nails Coffey with an Enziguri and then takes Lee back down with a Chop Block to the back of the knee. Strong then bounces off the ropes and delivers a Leaping Knee Drop down across the back of Lee’s head. Coffey staggers back up over by the ropes and Strong hits him with a Flying Dropkick that knocks Coffey out over the top rope and to the floor. Lee comes charging back at Strong, but Strong sidesteps and Lee flies through the ropes, taking Coffey down on the floor with a Suicide Dive. Strong then goes out to the ring apron and builds up a run and punts Lee in the back of the head and then drops off the ring apron into a Tornado DDT. Coffey regains his feet and takes a wild swing at Strong, but Strong ducks and Coffey punches the ring post. Strong then slams Coffey’s head into the post and rolls him back into the ring. Coffey staggers back up and Strong comes off the top rope with a Diving Neckbreaker. Strong then follows up with End of Heartache and covers Coffey for the three count.
Roderick Strong is your winner and the next challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship. He will face David Arquette for the title next week. A video package then replays some of the highlights from Spring Stampede this past Saturday and we take you to a word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s the women’s turn as Mandy Leon, Shayna Baszler and Nyla Rose make their entrances for the women’s #1 Contender Match.
Match #2 – Women’s World Championship #1 Contender’s Match – Mandy Leon vs. Shayna Baszler vs. Nyla Rose
Shayna and Rose come to blows as the match gets under way and Mandy Leon is content to stay out of the way in the corner as Rose whips Shayna into a separate corner and follows her in with an Avalanche Splash. Rose then plants Baszler with a Sidewalk Slam. She then stalks Mandy, who hunkers down in the corner and tries to beg off, but Rose pulls her out of the corner by the hair and then delivers a Belly-to-Belly Suplex onto Baszler. Rose then Gorilla Presses Baszler and tosses her out over the top rope and down to the floor with a thud. Rose then finishes Mandy off with a Powerbomb in the center of the ring and makes the cover for the three count.
Nyla Rose is your winner and will advance to face Lacey Evans for the Women’s World Championship right here next week. Another video shows more highlights from Spring Stampede and we owe you another word from our sponsors. When we come back, it’s six-man tag team action featuring the cruiserweights.
Back from the break, the cruiserweight champion, Humberto Carrillo, Pac, Petey Williams, TJ Perkins, Sammy Guevara and Jack Gallagher make their entrances for this six-man tag team match.
Match #3 – Humberto Carrillo, Pac & Petey Williams vs. TJ Perkins, Sammy Guevara & Jack Gallagher
There is contention on the champion’s team about who is going to start the match against Jack Gallagher on the other side and Carrillo demands to start. Pac and Williams retreat to the ring apron, but Carrillo isn’t finished telling them off even after the bell rings. Gallagher then Roundhouse Kicks Carrillo in the gut and then ties his arms up in a pretzel through his legs in something that looks close to the Paradise Lock, but while keeping the champion on his feet, but doubled over. Carrillo tries to hop over to his corner and make the tag, but Pac and Williams just laugh at him and drop down to the floor before walking off to the back, leaving him all alone. Gallagher then Scoop Slams Carrillo, which breaks up the pretzel. Gallagher then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Smash to the face as Carrillo tries to get back up. Gallagher then makes the tag to Sammy, who comes in off the top rope with a 450 Splash on Humberto. Perkins then tags himself in and polishes Carrillo of with the Detonation Kick and covers him for the three count.
Perkins, Guevara and Gallagher make the most of the 3-on-1 advantage as they defeat the cruiserweight champion in essentially what turned into a handicap match here tonight. With Perkins stealing the pin on the champion at the end, he could very well be in line for the next title opportunity. Time will tell, but we have to take one more commercial break tonight. When we come back, it’s Main Event time with the Television Championship on the line.
Back from the break, it’s time for the Main Event as Television Champion Sami Callihan makes his way to the ring and we find out that the challenger this week is going to be Jungle Boy.
Match #4 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Jungle Boy
The two men tie up as the match gets under way and Sami goes to a Side Headlock, but Jungle Boy maneuvers out of it and into an Armbar. Callihan fights him off with a series of Elbow Strikes to the side of the head and then whips Jungle Boy off into the ropes. Callihan drops his head for a Back Body Drop, but Jungle Boy stops short and grabs him by the back of the head and drives him face first into the mat. Jungle Boy then bounces off the ropes and follows up with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and Sami retreats out to the floor. Jungle Boy then dives out over the top rope and wipes Callihan out on the floor with a Tope Con Helo. Jungle Boy hammers Callihan with a flurry of clubbing blows and then tries to put him in the ring, but Sami thumbs him in the eye and then knocks the challenger flat with a Headbutt. Callihan then drags Jungle Boy up by the hair and slams him face first into the ring apron. Sami tries to whip Jungle Boy into the ring steps, but Jungle Boy counters and sends Callihan careening into the steps instead. Jungle Boy then tosses Callihan back into the ring and heads up to the top turnbuckle and drops down onto Callihan with a Double Footstomp. Jungle Boy then goes for the cover, but Callihan kicks out for a near fall. Jungle Boy puts the boots to Callihan and then bounces off the ropes as Callihan tries to sit back up, but Jungle Boy nails him with a Running Dropkick to the face, flattening him back out. Jungle Boy makes the cover again, but Callihan again kicks out for a near fall. Jungle Boy then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Callihan is able to dive against the ropes and crotch the challenger on the top turnbuckle. Callihan then pulls Jungle Boy from the turnbuckle, leaving his feet dangling on the top rope as he snaps off a high-elevation Cutter. Callihan then polishes the challenger off with the Cactus Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Sami Callihan retains the Television Championship here tonight in a hard-fought battle and the HWL keeps on rolling through another weekly episode of Overdrive. Join us again next week to see what will happen next, but for now we are signing off.


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