The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/18/2020 6:38 pm  #1

HWL presents Spring Stampede (04/18/20)

Pyros light up the arena as HWL proudly brings you another Pay Per View experience from an unnamed location and tonight, David Arquette gets the match he’s been chomping at the bit for the last two months as he gets a crack at winning back the World Heavyweight Championship. That’s our Main Event as Arquette challenges The Fiend, Bray Wyatt. Also, tonight, Lacey Evans faces undoubtedly her toughest challenge yet as she defends the Women’s World Championship against Charlotte Flair. The Cruiserweight and Tag Team Championships are up for grabs as well tonight, plus a grudge match comes to a head between MJF and Marty Scurll and Luchasaurus seeks revenge for his little buddy, Marko Stunt, when he goes one-on-one with NWA Champion Nick Aldis.
We’re starting off the night with the Cruiserweight Championship as another one of Stunt’s buddies in the Jurassic Express, Jungle Boy, looks for more revenge against the man who took the title away from Stunt just a few weeks ago. The champion, Humberto Carrillo, makes his way out to the ring and we’re ready to get the night started.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Humberto Carrillo vs. Jungle Boy
Humberto and Jungle Boy tie up as the match gets under way and Jungle Boy quickly connects with an Armdrag Takedown and then a Dropkick to the back of the neck and Humberto rolls out to the floor. Jungle Boy tries for a Suicide Dive on the champion, but Humberto dodges out of the way and Jungle Boy crashes into the barricade. Humbero then puts the boots to Jungle Boy and drags him back up to his feet and then hoists him up before dropping him throat first across the top of the barricade. Humberto then puts Jungle Boy back into the ring and makes a lackadaisical cover, but Jungle Boy kicks out. Humberto puts the boots to Jungle Boy and then springboards off the ropes as Jungle Boy stumbles back up and goes for an Asai Moonsault, but Jungle Boy catches him with a Shoulder Breaker. Jungle Boy then connects with a Standing Moonsault, but Humberto hooks the ropes to break up the pin. Jungle Boy drags Humberto to the middle of the ring and then springboards off the ropes and goes for a Fosberry Flop, but Humberto rolls out of the way and Jungle Boy crash lands face first into the mat. Humberto then flattens the challenger with a Superkick and heads up to the top rope where he gets tremendous height on a Moonsault and makes the cover for the three count.
Humberto Carrillo is your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Charlotte Flair. Flair says this match would be all well and good, save for one thing, that being this blundering blonde stuck in the 1940s stuck her fat nose into her Television Championship match and ended up costing her the title. Charlotte says that Lacey screwed up and so now, in order to restore the balance, because Lacey took something from her, she has to take something from Lacey. Since somebody else already took Lacey’s dignity first, Charlotte she will just have to settle for taking the Women’s World Championship.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our next contest as MJF and Marty Scurll make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – MJF vs. Marty Scurll
The two men square off as the match gets under way and MJF tries to bail out of the ring, but Marty catches him and delivers a series of clubbing blows and starts to drag MJF back toward the center of the ring, but MJF thumbs him in the eye. MJF then knocks Scurll flat with a Short-arm Clothesline and then bounces off the ropes as Scurll struggles back up to his feet half blinded and MJF connects with a Running Knee Lift and then the Cross Rhodes. The crowd gets red hot at MJF’s use of Cody Rhodes’ signature maneuver. MJF then plants his boot on Scurll’s chest for the cover, but Scurll kicks out for a near fall. MJF then puts the boots to Scurll and drags him back up, but Scurll fires back with a Headbutt to MJF’s chin and MJF drops backward through the ropes and out to the ring apron. Scurll grabs hold of MJF and drags him back up to his feet and slams him face first into the top turnbuckle. Scurll then tries to Suplex MJF back into the ring, but MJF twists free on the way up and lands on his feet behind Scurll, slightly bumping the referee and the referee goes back against the ropes and stumbles and falls down to one knee, looking out at the crowd and thus misses it as MJF nails Scurll with a Low Blow. MJF then shoves Scurll down to the mat and dives onto him and makes the cover and the referee makes a quick recovery and counts the three.
MJF celebrates as though he just won the World Series as he charges around the ring with both arms raised and is declared the winner, but he’s not done yet as he takes Scrull’s umbrella and begins brutally bashing him over the head with it. MJF then stands over the fallen Scurll with his boot planted on his chest and the umbrella raised over his head. MJF then spits on the former champion and decides to keep the umbrella as a souvenir as he makes his way to the back. Our video feed then cuts to the Firefly Fun House, where Bray Wyatt says he has a great announcement to make about their match. He says that he and David are a special kind of people and as such, nobody wants to see them have just any old boring match. Wyatt then begins to recite “Oh, the places, you’ll go,” making up places around the arena he plans to take Arquette and it’ll all be legal, Wyatt says, because their match has been made Falls Count Anywhere.
Back at ringside, it’s time to get back to the title action as Charlotte Flair and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring.
Match #3 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Charlotte Flair
The two ladies tie-up as the match gets under way and Charlotte takes the upper hand and Body Slams Lacey to the mat.  Charlotte then applies a Side Headlock, but Lacey battles back up to her feet and shoves Charlotte off into the ropes, but Charlotte bounces back and knocks her flat with a Running Shoulder Block.  Charlotte then bounces off the ropes again and connects with a Big Boot to the side of the head. Charlotte then makes the cover, but Lacey kicks out. Charlotte pummels the champion and drags her back to her feet by the tights and pitches her out over the top rope, but Lacey grabs the ropes and stops her momentum in time to land on the ring apron. Charlotte charges at her and Lacey nails her with a big Forearm Smash. Lacey then catapults back in over the top rope into a Sunset Flip for a near fall. Lacey hammers Charlotte with a  series of clubbing blows and then tries to set up for a DDT, but Charlotte counters into a Northern Lights Suplex and bridges up into the cover for a near fall. Charlotte drags Lacey up by the hair and throws her back against the corner and hammers away with a flurry of punches to the mid-section. Charlotte then whips Lacey across the ring into the opposite corner and follows her in with a Stinger Splash. Lacey stumbles out of the corner and drops down to her knees as Charlotte bounces off the ropes and goes for Natural Selection, but Lacey ducks out of the way and Charlotte crashes to the mat. Lacey then nails the challenger with the Woman’s Right, but as Charlotte drops to the mat, she rolls out under the bottom rope and out to the floor. Lacey goes out after her and struggles to get the challenger back up to her feet. Lacey can’t get Charlotte all the way back up to roll her back into the ring and instead hurls her shoulder first into the ring steps. Charlotte, down on her knees, tries to protect herself as Lacey pummels her with big right hand after big right hand and Charlotte gets in a good one to the breadbasket, doubling the champion over. Charlotte then knocks the champion flat with a Big Boot to the face. Charlotte slowly pulls Lacey up by the tights and tosses her back into the ring. Charlotte then heads up to the top rope and connects with her signature Moonsault and makes the cover, but Lacey kicks out for a near fall. Charlotte decides it’s time to go for the Figure Four, but Lacey counters into an Inside Cradle for a near fall. The women rush back up to their feet and Lacey goes for another Woman’s Right, but Charlotte ducks and bounces off the ropes and connects with a Spear. Charlotte then goes for the Figure Four again, but as she’s hunched over, trying to wind her way around a leg, Lacey sits up enough to connect with the Woman’s Right, but without her power base maybe didn’t get all of it as she pulls Charlotte into another Inside Cradle, but it proves to be enough and this time gets the three count as the challenger kicks out just a second late.
Lacey Evans is your winner and STILL the Women’s World Champion. As Evans celebrates another landmark victory in her title reign, we take you to the back where our broadcast colleague is standing by with MJF. MJF says he told you at Fearless that things were going to start changing around here or else. Marty Scurll got opportunity after opportunity and now it’s going to be a good long while before he ever gets another one, if he even has the cojones to ever show his face around here again. In the meantime, MJF says this is his show now and nobody can dispute that. It’s finally time to give the people what they want, no, it’s time to give the people what they deserve, and that’s MJF as champion.
Back at rinside, it’s time for our next match as OvE’s Dave and Jake Crist and Private Party’s Marq Quen and Isiah Kassidy make their way to the ring for this Tag Team Championship match.
Match #4 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Private Party vs. OvE
Marq Quen and Jake Crist start things out for their respective teams and Crist goes on the offensive early with a boot to the gut and series of clubbing blows. Jake then whips Quen off into the ropes, but Quen comes flying back with a big Lariat, taking down Crist. Quen makes the tag to Kassidy and then drags Crist up with his arms pinned behind his back as Kassidy comes off the top rope and connects with a Bionic Elbow Drop to the skull and Crist drops like a bag of potatoes. Kassidy follows up with an Asai Moonsault and makes the cover, but Crist kicks out for a near fall. Kassidy puts the boots to Crist and makes the tag back to Quen and the tandem sets up for a tandem Suplex, but Crist blocks it and Suplexes them both. He then slowly staggers back up and makes the tag to Dave. Kassidy pulls himself back up over against the ropes as Dave charges along the ring apron and hits Kassidy with a Running Forearm Smash and then Suplexes him out over the top rope and out to the floor.  Quen then tries to dive out to the floor onto Dave, but is cut off by a Superkick from Jake. Dave then heads up to the top turnbuckle and hits Quen with a Senton Bomb and makes the cover, but Quen kicks out for a near fall. Dave makes the tag back to Jake and the two set Quen up and knock him flat with the Hart Attack. Kassidy then climbs back up onto the ring apron, but the Crists grab him and pull him back in over the top rope and into a double Gorilla Press before slamming him down onto his partner. Kassidy staggers back up and Dave Clotheslines him out over the top rope as Jake picks Quen up and plants him with a Package Piledriver and both Crists make the cover at the same time on Quen and get the three count.
OvE are your winners and the NEW Tag Team Champions. As the Crists celebrate their first taste of HWL gold, we take you to our broadcast colleague, who is standing by with Luchasaurus. The big dinosaur says that unfortunately, his match with Nick Aldis will not be happening tonight. Luchasaurus says Nick Aldis is nothing but a coward and a bully and he will eventually pay for what he did to Marko this past Wednesday. Due to some fancy legal footwork, Luchasaurus says that Aldis managed to wriggle out of their match tonight he won’t be able to evade justice forever. Dinosaurs once ruled the earth and Luchasaurus says someday they will again.
Back at rinside, Luchasaurus and Nick Aldis would have been due up next, but with that match now canceled, it’s time for our Main Event as David Arquette and the World Heavyweight Champion, Bray Wyatt, make their way to the ring.
Match #5 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Bray Wyatt vs. David Arquette
It’s now time for our Main Event of the evening and as we just found out earlier tonight, this is going to be a Falls Count Anywhere Match. Arquette goes right after Wyatt as the bell sounds, but the Fiend isn’t backing down as the two men wail away at each other with a flurry of punches. Arquette tries to whip the Fiend off into the ropes, but the Fiend holds strong in his position and instead pulls Arquette back to him and tries to hit a Bossman Slam, but Arquette counters into a Tornado DDT.  Arquette then heads up to the top turnbuckle and connects with the Eight-legged Freak Splash, trying to win it early, but Wyatt kicks out and immediately applies the Mandible Claw. Wyatt slowly and methodically regains his feet while holding Arquette immobilized with the hold. Wyatt tries to force Arquette down to the mat as Arqutte flails at his arm trying to break the hold. Wyatt forces Arquette down to his knees, but Arquette manages to grab onto the ropes and the referee forces a break. Wyatt refuses to let go and the referee begins to count, but instead of disqualifying Wyatt, opts to jump in between them and pull Wyatt’s arm away. Wyatt turns and grabs the referee by the shirt and takes him across the ring with the referee backpedaling to keep up. Arquette struggles back to his feet in the corner and Wyatt releases the referee and charges back across the ring to hit Arquette with an Avalanche Splash in the corner. Wyatt then goozles Arquette and takes him to the middle of the ring and delivers a Chokeslam. Wyatt goes for the cover, but Arquette kicks out for a near fall.  Wyatt pummels Arquette, beating him relentlessly over the head and shoulders and then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Senton. Wyatt then drags Arquette back to his feet by the throat, but Arquette manages to break free this time and kicks Wyatt in the gut and then plants him in the middle of the ring with the Diamond Cutter. Arquette then slowly rolls Wyatt over onto his back and makes the cover, but Wyatt kicks out at the last second as Arquette was just a breath away from regaining the title. Arquette drives his knee over and over again into the side of the Fiend’s head and then goes back against the corner as Wyatt struggles to get back to his knees and Arquette charges in, looking for the SlingShot, but Wyatt ducks and Arquette crashes to the mat. Arquette regains his feet over by the ropes and Wyatt meets him at a full sprint, Clotheslining him out over the top rope and both men crash over the top and out to the floor. Wyatt regains his feet first and kicks Arquette in the side of the head. Wyatt then takes the challenger and Chokeslams him onto the barricade so that Arquette’s top half comes down on the crowd side of the barricade and his feet come down on the ring side with his lower back crashing down across the top of the rail and after impact, Arquette goes down on the back of his head on the crowd side of the barricade. Wyatt goes over the barricade after him and Arquette tries to crawl away, but Wyatt catches him and drags him up to his feet and applies the Mandible Claw. The referee goes after the two men and Arquette swings wildly, knocking a soda up and out of a fans’ hand, splashing the referee in the face. Arquette then kicks the Fiend square in the nuts while the referee is preoccupied and then Arquette takes another soda from another fan and throws it into the Fiend’s face and then DDTs him on the floor. The lights suddenly go out and when they come back up, both the champion and challenger are gone. Instead, they show up on the JumboTron, and they appear to be inside the Firefly Fun House. Wyatt, now out of his Fiend persona and back to being his typical self, has Arquette tied to a rocking chair as he taunts him as the referee looks around inside the fun house in confusion. Wyatt says Arquette should not have wanted this, that he’s dealing with forces he could not begin to fathom. Wyatt continues his verbal tirade as Arquette struggles to free himself from the ropes binding him to the chair. Arquette finally manages to get free and grabs the rocking chair and swings it heavily at Wyatt only for Wyatt to no longer be there. Slowly, the Fiend rises up into the frame behind Arquette and Arquette turns around and walks right into the Mandible Claw. Wyatt forces Arquette down to the floor and the referee starts to count Arquette down, but he shoots his shoulder up at the last moment. Arquette reaches out and throttles the Fiend around the neck, choking him with both hands as he slowly forces his way back up to his feet. Wyatt breaks free of Arquette’s grip, but has to release the Mandible Claw as he does so and Arquette kicks the Fiend in the chest, knocking the Fiend backward onto the fallen rocking chair, shattering it into several different pieces. The Fiend screams in anguish as he clutches at the broken pieces of the rocking chair. Wyatt then slowly gets up to his feet and turns around as Arquette Spears him right through the wall of the Firefly Fun House and as they crash through the wall of the Fun House, they also come crashing through the screen of the JumboTron back into the arena where they plummet from the raised screen down to the steel rampway below. The two men remain motionless on the rampway as the referee looks down from the torn screen at the wrecked bodies below. Slowly, Arquette roll over on top of Wyatt and the referee counts from the hole in the screen… ONE… TWO…. THREE!
David Arquette is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. It’s certain that when he fully regain his faculties, Arquette will be ecstatic at the news, but for now both Arquette and Wyatt are down and out on the rampway. The lights then go out and when they come back up, the Fiend is gone, but we can hear his laughter as a parting gift. A referee places the title on Arqeutte’s chest and raises his hand in victory as Arquette remains down and out on the rampway and medics come out to check on his well-being. After a few minutes, Arquette begins to come around and fights them off him, clutching the title in his fist a he rises back up to his feet and looks around wildly. Arquette then thrusts his fist with the title up above his head as his music hits and he pushes his way through the medics and to the back. Thanks for joining us here tonight for Spring Stampede. We’ll be coming to you again live on Pay Per View next month, but in the meantime, join us ever Wednesday night for Overdrive, but for now it’s time for us to be signing off. Good night, everybody.


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