The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/15/2020 5:36 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #37 (04/15/20)

Pyros light up the arena where the HWL once again is brining you Overdrive live from underground during the COVID-19 shutdown. Tonight, Sami Callihan is fresh off winning the Television Championship from Charlotte last week and makes his first defense tonight. Also, #1 Contenders will be decided for both the tag team and World Heavyweight titles. The tag team division takes center stage first, but the participants are without their partners tonight as we open the show with a 6-Pack Elimination Challenge with the winner scoring a tag team title shot for them and their partner this Saturday at Spring Stampede against Private Party.
Match #1 – Tag Team #1 Contender’s 6-Pack Elimination Challenge – Jay Briscoe vs. Dave Crist vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Luke Gallows vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Jackson Ryker
Gallows heart clearly isn’t in it after getting a WWE pink slip today and he eats Trouble in Paradise from Kingston in the opening minutes and Kofi scores the pin for the first elimination. Kofi is then caught by a Jay Driller from Briscoe, who covers him for a quick second elimination. The remaining four men circle each other before Briscoe and Ryker trade punches in one corner and Dave Crist ducks a Superkick attempt from Uso and delivers a German Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Uso kicks out. Ryker knocks Briscoe woozy with a big Headbutt and then whips him across the ring into a Spear from Crist. Ryker then drags Briscoe up and delivers a Brainbuster as Crist comes off the top rope with a Senton Bomb. Ryker then covers Briscoe, who kicks out for a near fall. Crist and Ryker then work together with a Double Suplex on Briscoe and then Ryker drags Briscoe up by the ears and puts him in a Bear Hug as Crist springboards off the ropes and hits Briscoe with a Flying Heel Kick as Ryker drives him into the mat with a Spinebuster and Uso comes off the top rope with a Big Splash. Uso bounces off Briscoe from the impact and Ryker and Crist pile onto Jay for the three count. Crist then nails Uso with a Thrust Kick to the gut and feeds him to Ryker for a Running Powerslam and Ryker makes the cover for the three count, leaving just OvE’s Jake Crist and Jackson Ryker of the Forgotten Sons to compete for the title opportunity. Ryker offers a handshake, but Crist boots him in the lower abdomen instead and then connects with an Impaler DDT. Crist then follows up with a Senton Splash from the top rope and gets the three count and the win.
In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with NWA Champion Nick Aldis, who tonight is one of four men with the chance to earn a title match against Bray Wyatt for the World Heavyweight Championship at Spring Stampede this Saturday. Aldis says that he currently has no interest in being the HWL World Heavyweight Champion, that he already has his own prize firmly in his grasp. However, Aldis says that he is booked to be here tonight, so he is here and he’s not about to pass up a paycheck. Thus, Aldis says he’s going to go out there tonight, sit at ringside, and watch this match like everybody else, just from a significantly better seat. Aldis then stalks off and we take you to a word from our sponsors. When we come back, it’s women’s action as four women will jockey for positioning in their division in a Fatal 4-Way match.
Back from the break, Tessa Blanchard, Britt Baker, Bayley and Nyla Rose make their entrances for this Fatal 4-Way Match.
Match #2 – Fatal 4-Way Match – Nyla Rose vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. Britt Baker vs. Bayley
The match gets under way and Blanchard and Baker tear into each other before rolling out to the floor. Bayley fires off at Rose with some Knife-edge Chops, but the Native Beast is unfazed and grabs Bayley and pulls her into a big Belly-to-Belly Overhead Release Suplex, reminiscent of a Scott Steiner throw. Rose then follows up with an Atomic Leg Drop and then dives out to the floor, wiping out both Baker and Blanchard with a Suicide Dive. Rose then drags Baker up and drives her face first into the ring steps with an Implant Buster. Rose then takes Blanchard over the barricade with a Discus Clothesline. Bayley steps out onto the ring apron and tries to take Rose out on the floor with a Rolling Senton, but Rose catches her and counters into a Powerbomb. Rose then drags Bayley limply back to her feet by the hair and chucks her back into the ring. Rose heads up to the top turnbuckle and drops a Guillotine Leg Drop onto Bayley and covers her for the three count.
Nyla Rose is your winner and just shot herself near the top of the contender’s list in a women’s division that has been lacking oomph of late apart from Lacey Evans and Charlotte Flair. With the injection of the Native Beast onto the scene, that could all be about to change. Now, we’re going to take you to another word from our sponsors. When we come back, the Television Championship will be on the line.
Back from the break, it’s TV Title time as Sami Callihan makes his way to the ring and we find out that this week his opponent will be Mankind.
Match #3 – HWL Television Championship – Sami Callihan vs. Mankind
These two have some history as Sami Callihan sabotaged The Rock’s car to prevent their match at Fully Loaded back in February and then teamed with then Television Champion The Miz to defeat The Rock ‘N Sock Connection just last month at Fearless. Tonight, it’s one-on-one as Mankind goes on the attack early with a flurry of big right hands and takes Callihan down with a Diving Clothesline. Mankind then goes into his tights and retrieves Mr. Socko. Mankind dons the sock on his hand as he prepares for the Mandible Claw and Callihan regains his feet, but Callihan blocks it and kicks him in the gut and then follows up with a Facebreaker. Callihan then plants Mankind with a Cactus Piledriver and covers him for the three count and retains.
Sami Callihan is your winner and STILL the Television Champion. He’ll go on to face a fresh challenger next week right here on Overdrive. That just leaves one more piece of business tonight and that’s to crown a #1 Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship. In the back, we see our potential contenders making their way toward the ring. That match is coming up next after one final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s Main Event time as Nick Aldis, Marko Stunt, Marty Scurll and David Arquette make their entrances for this #1 Contender’s Match.
Match #4 – World Heavyweight #1 Contender’s Match – David Arquette vs. Marty Scurll vs. Marko Stunt vs. Nick Aldis
Arquette, Scurll and Stunt square off in the ring as Aldis, true to his word, pulls up a steel chair and takes a seat back against the barricade behind one of the corners. Stunt looks over at Aldis and scratches his head in noticeable confusion and Scurll capitalizes on the distraction to hit Stunt with a Running Big Boot to the side of the head, knocking the little guy through the ropes and out to the floor. Arquette then pounces on Scurll from behind, pummeling him with a series of clubbing blows and then delivers a Brainbuster, but Scurll kicks out. Arquette then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head. Arquette then goes for the quick cover again, but again Scurll kicks out and rolls out to the floor and stumbles over to the barricade. Arquette comes flying out over the top rope after him, connecting with a Tope Con Helo and the two men crash through the barricade. Stunt has now recovered from getting booted in the side of the head and decides to follow Aldis’ example and he pulls up a chair right next to the NWA Champion and sits down next to him and begins mimicking every move he makes. Aldis quickly gets fed up with this and shoves Stunt out of his chair to the floor. Aldis then turns his attention to Arquette and Scurll, who have crawled out of the wrecked portion of barricade and crawled their way over toward his feet. A whistle then cuts through the arena and Aldis turns to find Stunt jumping off the announce table onto him with his legs spread wide, driving his ass into Aldis’ chest and taking him down into one of the chairs they were sitting in and the chair goes over backward as both Aldis and Stunt crash to the mat. Stunt then hits Arquette with a Swinging Neckbreaker and then puts Scurll back in the ring. Stunt head up to the middle rope and comes off onto Scurll with a Bonzai Drop and makes the cover, but Aldis drags Stunt out of the ring and throws him headlong into the ring post, busting the little guy open. Aldis then plants Stunt with a Piledriver on the floor and now here come Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy charging down to the ring and Aldis retreats through the crowd with the Jurassic Express in hot pursuit. MJF then gets into the ring with Scurll’s umbrella as Scurlls regains his feet and MJF smashes him across the back of the head with the umbrella, swinging it like a baseball bat, and Scurll drops like a ton of bricks. MJF retreats to the back as Arquette comes back in off the top rope with an Eight-legged Freak Splash onto Scurll and covers him for the three count.
David Arquette is your winner and moves on to challenge Bray Wyatt for the World Heavyweight Championship at Spring Stampede. That’s all we have for you tonight, folks, as the former World Heavyweight Champion gets his long-awaited second crack at the gold this Saturday. Be sure to join us this Saturday for Spring Stampede, available only on Pay Per View, and keep joining us right here every week for Overdrive and more great action. For now, we are signing off.


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