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4/14/2020 8:23 pm  #11

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

David Arquette

Yeah Marko you are damn right I am quick with the old accomplishments, And it was to prove a point that people like you...yeah...People like you...shouldn't be in World title matches. When I lost the world title to Marty Scrull, the HWL INSULTED me by putting me in a match with You, they put me in a match with Marko Stunt...That is insulting to not only my abilities...but to my intelligence. Someone like myself, Someone like David Arquette would have to step inside the ring with Marko Stunt for the Cruiserweight Championship! This isn't the David Arquette of Yesteryear when I just wanted to win every title just for the sake of winning every title, I am a serious competitor now...and you think you getting angry is going to scare me now? I say NAY NAY...Marko Stunt...When I lost the HWL WOrld Heavyweight CHampionship to Marty Scrull I have only one mission and one mission only and that was to get that title back, I got stuck in some meaningless matches with yourself and then I went on and defeated Chris Jericho at Fearless to show that I should be the World Champion still and the fact that this Fatal Four way match is even happening is still insulting, but I'm sure if I burning down Dario's or Big Sugars office that wouldn't get me any closer to that world title. I should have been handed that World Title match after The Velveteen Dream failed, but if this is what I have to do to get it, then so be it and some little pissant like yourself is not going to stop me from getting that...This is now a Warning, if you think you are going to take this away from me, I will not be held responsible for what I will do to you and your dino friends you hear me? As for Marty and Nick, I just don't think you two care as much about this as I do...I want it more then the three of you...and tomorrow night...I am going to do more than want it...

I am going to TAKE IT!!!


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