The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/09/2020 4:46 pm  #1

Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

- HWL Television Championship - Sami Callihan vs. Mankind

- World Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender's Fatal 4-Way Match - David Arquette vs. Marty Scurll vs. Nick Aldis vs. Marko Stunt

- Six-Pack Elimination Match (Winner's tag team will get a title shot at Spring Stampede) - Jay Briscoe vs. Dave Crist vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Luke Gallows vs. Jimmy Uso vs. Jackson Ryker

- Nyla Rose vs. Tessa Blanchard vs. Britt Baker vs. Bayley


4/09/2020 11:09 pm  #2

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

:The camera shows a dark room with nothing but a light bulb and a small chain hanging, a hand reaches up to grab the chain to turn on the light to show David Arquette standing under the light:

David Arquette

OverDrive, OverDrive is the moment I have been waiting for since I lost the HWL World Heavyweight Title...a opportunity to get a chance to reclaim it, and honestly I think having to face three other people for it is a little insulting, I never got one re-match, I never got one match against Marty before he lost that title to Bray Wyatt instead the HWL decided to insult me by giving me a match to go for the Cruiserweight Championship, let me ask you all something, Do I look like a Cruiserweight? I am a six time World Heavyweight Champion, I at one time held EVERY Title in the HWL except for the Junior Heavyweight Championship...and after I lost the World title the HWL decided to give me a Cruisweright title match? How Insulting...but it looks like they are doing a little something to try and redeem themselves while I don't believe I should have to compete in a Fatal Four Way to get a match with Bray Wyatt, I could use the work out...Marty Scrull, Not a day has gone by that I haven't thought about what I am going to do to you the second I get back inside a ring with you, you took away something that didn't belong to you and then on top of that you let it go to someone else, you took something from me and lost it to someone else, and somehow they are giving you another chance to get it again? Why not just spit on that world title while you are at it...Then there is Nick Aldis, I got to hand it to you Nick, NWA World Heavyweight Champion tough cookie...but we all know that your heart just isn't here is it? You don't want to be HWL World Champion, you just want to be defending that NWA Worlds title right now, but you cant for obvious reasons...and Marko Stunt...The Luckiest man in HWL...Who are you kidding Marko? Look at yourself, do you honestly believe that you have what it takes to be the HWL World Heavyweight Champion?? Sure Television Champion, good job kid, Cruiserweight Champion? I'm sure you had fun until Pretty Boy took that title away from you...but not only are you stepping into the ring with David Arquette...but Marty Scrull...Nick Aldis...and you really think you can compare to us?? God Speed Kid, because if Lady Luck needs to be on anyone side come OverDrive its going to be yours....Come OverDrive the outcome is going to be the same regardless, and that is David Arquette will be the next Number One Contender...I will not only challenge The Fiend...but I will Vanquish him and I will become The SEVEN Time HWL World Champion...Untill then...


:Arquette pulls the chain turning off the light:


4/10/2020 8:00 pm  #3

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

Cathy Kelly: Cathy Kelly here being joined by a special guest, he is the NWA World Heavyweight Champion...Nick Aldis!

:Nick comes into frame:

Nick Aldis: Thank you for inviting me Miss. Kelly!

Cathy: My pleasure, Nick you just got the word that you are in a Fatal Four Way Match on the next OverDrive, making your OverDrive debut in the process where the winner goes to Spring Stampede and challenges for the HWL World Heavyweight Championship and I wanted to get your thoughts on the match!

Nick Aldis: Wow, I guess in a way it's an honor to be considered a contender in the HWL World Heavyweight Championship field here, but Miss. Kelly what were your first words? I'll remind you, they were "My Guest is NWA World Heavyweight Champion..." You see this title right here is the only World Title worth defending, the Only World Title Worth fighting for, and as I stated in my match against Marty Scrull at long as I am the NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion...that HWL "World" Heavyweight Title might as well be a piece of tin...and that is not what I have come to the HWL for...the HWL for me is something I do when I get bored, something I do to show off...and IF and that's a BIG If Miss. Kelly...the Day ever comes I lose this NWA World Heavyweight Title...then maybe I will focus a little bit more of my time here...but that day I'm sure is a LONG LONG Ways off...So to Mr. Arquette, Mr. Scrull and Mr. Stunt....

:Nick salutes the camera:

I wish you the best, but This Gentleman will be sitting this one out! Miss. Kelly Thank you once again for having me, Good Day!

:Nick places the NWA World title onto his shoulder and walks off:


4/13/2020 5:32 pm  #4

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

Marko Stunt

Tribal music is heard as we see Marko Stunt tree surfing in the jungle. He keeps flipping over small branches and generally acting ridiculous. He comes down the tree and flips into a ring, where Luchasaurus is seen.

Narrator: Hello again. It's me, the narrator. The Babysaurus can be seen here with his friend, the Luchasaurus, as he is beginning to prepare for his biggest challenge yet. He has a match to determine the new number one contender to the HWL World Heavyweight Championship this Wednesday. The Luchasaurus wanted to make sure the Babysaurus didn't focus his attention solely on David Arquette, as he has beaten him before and surely won't have much trouble with him, so he set up a practice ring for the Babysaurus.

Concerned that the Babysaurus needed to prepare for Marty Scurll and Nick Aldis, he put up a standard ring, but is giving the Babysaurus a chance to be creative, as that is the best he has seen the Babysaurus at work, besides in the ring.

Marko Stunt starts doing spin kicks, jumps, punches and doing random maneuvers from the top turnbuckle to the ground.

Narrator: The Luchasaurus now stands by as the Babysaurus prepares. Nick Aldis has decided he doesn't seem to care about the fatal four way, which is just fine as no one seems to care about the NWA World Heavyweight Championship. Marty Scurll may be tough, but the Babysaurus, well, he has proven that ferocity, tenacity and outlandishness take hold.

Oh and Arquette...The Babysaurus prefers the lights on, so that the people can see his victory.


4/14/2020 1:41 pm  #5

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

David Arquette

Really? Really Marko, You have the nerve to brag over a victory over me that you didn't deserve and that I didn't even try for? And because of that you think you can beat the three of us and go on to become the HWL World Heavyweight Champion? You got to be kidding me, that is the biggest joke I have ever heard in the HWL since Rhyno and The Million Dollar Man tried forming the War Machines. Marko I am going to get real with you for a minute...You have no chance of winning this match, You are standing in the ring with David Arquette,Marty Scrull and Maybe Nick Aldis? I don't know he could be playing us for all I know that's beside the point...The point of the matter is, Marko...You were Television Champion, Good Job and Hey you squeaked in a Cruiserweight Championship reign while you were at and hey, for someone like you in this industry that quite the feat to accomplish...I mean what are you, four foot three, four maybe? weight hundred ten soaking wet? It's amazing you even have a career in this business, my point is Marko...People like you...don't win World Championships...Where as People like David Arquette do...So why don't you go back to your sand box, I'll be more than happy to get you a new plastic shovel and accessories to go along with it because this match tomorrow night is a big boys game...and tomorrow night when I become the Number one contender for the HWL World Heavyweight Championship...I am going to Open some doors....and I am coming for The Fiend and I will be the Seven time HWL World Heavyweight Champion!

Oh and Marko, Don't worry, The lights will be on Nice and bright for you, but if you think you are getting anywhere close to winning that match...then...



4/14/2020 1:43 pm  #6

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

* oVe camera turns on and we see a room with heavy equipment, punching bags and a set of dumbbells. Dave Christ is seen punching away as camera gives static as it transition to Jake Crist. *

Jake: I'm glad you pass by. We were getting soooooo lonely after this epidemic has spread out. But we are not worried. Cause we knew that you guys needed us. HWL needs us more than ever. And right now, my partner Dave is preparing for a 6 pack elimination challenge. And if he wins, we get our shot at the tag gold that is held by Private Party. So boys, hope you are enjoying your little VIP party cause after my partner.....

* Suddenly you see Dave punch in anger as he's saying something. *

Dave: SHUT UP JAKE. You're driving me mad. It's bad enough to have you stuck with us. But no matter. You are just doing your role. Hyping the match I'm about to compete. Not your match.

Jake: Hey, you know I'm the better half of the team.

Dave: Ohh yeah? Then why don't you compete for me? Oh that's right....CAUSE I'M THE ONE THEY WANT IN THE MATCH. SO SHUT UP AND LET ME CONCENTRATE.

Jake: Wow. Watch that attitude mister. Or else Sami is going to hear it.

Dave: Go ahead. Tell him. I'm just making sure that I'm pumped up. And personally, I can't wait to cause mayhem around the 5 individuals that stand in our way. But ya'll need to know something. Me and my brother aren't any regular tag team. We are oVe. We are Ohio strong. From Ohio. That's why I'm going to dispatch of every possible threat in our quest for the gold.

Jake: You damn right. No one can touch us. And as long as we stick together, no one will ever stop us.

* Both turn to the camera and have their thumbs up. *

Both: Thumbs up.....thumbs down.

* They point it down their thumbs. Suddenly we hear someone scream from the back of the scene. *

??? - What are you two fools blabbing out at these hours.

Jake: He's here.

Dave: I believe so.

* As the static appears the shadow shows up. Camera fades. *


4/14/2020 1:58 pm  #7

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

* oVe camera turn back on as we see Dave and Jake around. Then the shadow is no more. It's none other than Sami Callihan. He's holding the title belt on his shoulder and drinking Black Label Whisky. *

Jake: We were just talking about Dave's match tomorrow night. Isn't it exciting.

Dave: Finally us 3 can hold all the gold and run this place like it should.

Jake: oVe will never be a laughingstock again....and that....

* Sami grabs Jake by the neck and puts him against the wall as you see Jake trying to get out. *


* Jake nods agreeing. Sami let's him go. Jake tries to compose himself. *

Sami: You two better get the job done tomorrow night. By crook or hook. I don't care. oVe is making a statement. Just like I'll do to Mankind.

Dave: But Sami, you saw what happened at New Year's Revolution, he can take quite the hit. And I don't know how much he will try to push you....I dare say....

* Sami then glares at Dave. He was about to smash him with the bottle. *

Sami: WHAT THE HELL YOU TALKING ABOUT BOY. YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT THAT OLD FART. For what I care, he should just retire with his wife and kids, cause here.....this is the big league. And as your television champions is my duty to defend this title with my life. And Mankind isn't going to be the one to take this away from me. I don't care if we brawl before the match, after the match Or during the match. One thing is sure.....and that is putting down Mankind down for the count.....

* Jake and Dave nod their heads together. Sami takes a shot straight from the bottle.  *

Sami: Mankind....I hope your watching. I hope your watching real carefully cause I'm going to say this once.....and only once.  Tomorrow at Overdrive. You will get a shot at my TV title, but at what cost? Another ear? A piece of your leg? No. This time, your soul will be on the line....cause once I'm done beating you to a senseless pulp.....everyone will start knowing oVe. Everyone will know that we are Ohio Strong. And we aren't scared of anybody. You got that?

* All three have their thumbs up. As Sami continues talking. *

Sami: Us three will take over HWL by it's ball. And we are going to squeeze every ounce of it until everyone here knows their place in line. And to do starts tomorrow night. Mankind, your time in the spotlight is going to be cut short by the Nightmare himself. Thumbs up.....

* all three thumbs down. *


* He then throws the bottle straight to the camera. As the camera falls down and we see it sideways. We all three laughing. The scene cuts off. *


4/14/2020 2:02 pm  #8

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

* Nyla Rose *

I'm not much for words, but I've been informed about a fatal 4 way match against Tessa Blanchard, Britt Baker and Bayley. Honestly, I don't give a rat's ass who I face in that ring, as long as I'm active....I'll be making a short impression on this ladies. So ladies You better bring your A Game, cause this monster is ready to crack some heads wide open and I ain't afraid of knocking some bitches into a coma.

And after I finish handling business in the ring with Britt, Tessa and Bayley, I'll be eyeing towards either Lacey Evan or Charlotte Flair. So hope you two are listening cause what I'm going to do to this 3 nothing but a walk in the park. And To whoever hold that title after Spring Stampede better get a good look at me. So tune in to Overdrive, you won't want to miss out on the fun. Lacey, Charlotte....may the best women win. And to the victor, a reminder of what's to happen in the near future. See you all tomorrow night.

Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (4/14/2020 2:29 pm)


4/14/2020 5:17 pm  #9

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

Marko Stunt

Cameras come into focus on Marko Stunt, who is watching greatest match footage.

Narrator: Here we see the Babysaurus, Marko Stunt, alone. Isolated. Studying. Trying to understand this people thing David Arquette has spoken of.

David Arquette is oh so quick to speak of past accomplishments, years old in this company. So quick to dismiss the Babysaurus he is not seeming to understand just what is at stake here. If we take a moment to look at what has happened in terms of in ring consistency. Something that David Arquette cannot talk about these past few months. The Babysaurus may only be Fun Size, but you have seen what he has done.

David, dismiss if you must. Criticize and ostracize if you dare. Just...make sure you don't whine anymore when you lose...again.


4/14/2020 7:00 pm  #10

Re: Promos for Overdrive #37 (04/15/20)

Marko Stunt

Cameras come into focus, now on a ring. Inside, three punching bags. One says Marty, one says David and one says Dingus.

Marko Stunt then comes into frame. He gets in the ring and starts hitting rotating tackles to the bags.

Narrator: Well look at this. The Luchasaurus and the Jungle Boy have set up an isolated training ring for Marko Stunt. The reason they are not present, for one is due to the current global situation, so that the Babysaurus can get a proper feel if you will, for no crowd noise.

You may be asking, why does one say Dingus. Quite simple really. Nick Aldis is relegating his own self to mediocrity with his unwillingness to acknowledge what is at stake. Marty Scurll really holds no bearing once again.

Oh and David Arquette. Well...

Cameras show Marko Stunt, now continuously punching and kicking the David bag. He then takes it down to the ground and violently starts rolling around, biting the bag and leaving debris everywhere.

Narrator: The three of you fools David, you have done what you should not have. You made the Babysaurus angry.


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