The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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4/08/2020 8:25 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #36 (04/08/20)

Pyros light up the arena where the HWL once again is brining you Overdrive live from underground during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tonight, last week’s #1 Contender Match winners get their shots at the Tag Team and Cruiserweight Championships and Charlotte Flair will once again put up the Television Championship. Plus, we’ll hear from Big Sugar about the World Heavyweight Championship and Women’s World Championship situations at our upcoming Spring Stampede Pay Per View on April 18.
First up, the Cruiserweight Championship is on the line as Mark Stunt and Humberto Carrillo make their entrances.
Match #1 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Marko Stunt vs. Humberto Carrillo
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Carrillo kicks Stunt in the gut and goes for a Gutwrench Suplex, but Stunt flips through and lands on his feet and hits Carrillo in the back with a Dropkick, launching him face first into the corner. Stunt then charges in and puts all his weight into a Diving Shoulder Block into Humberto’s lower back. Marko then rolls up the challenger, but Carrillo quickly kicks out. Stunt bounces off the ropes and follows up with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and then a Standing Moonsault into the cover, but Humberto kicks out. Stunt then heads up to the top turnbuckle as Humberto staggers back to his feet and Stunt goes for a Missile Dropkick, but Carillo ducks and Stunt crashes to the mat. Carrillo then follows up at a short run with a Rolling Neckbreaker and then follows up with an Asai Moonsault and then takes the champion by the legs and swings him head first into the bottom turnbuckle not one, not two, but three times. Carrillo then stands back as Stunt stumbles back up on wobbly legs and Humberto nails him with a Superkick. Carrillo then heads to the top rope and finishes things off with a 450 Splash and makes the cover for the three count.
Humberto Carrillo is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. In the back we see Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus appearing downtrodden at their little buddy going down in defeat. However, they’ll have the chance to end the night on a high note. Jurassic Express challenges for the Tag Team Titles, coming up right after this word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus and the tag team champions, Private Party, make their entrances for this next title match.
Match #2 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Private Party vs. Jurassic Express
Marq Quen and Jungle Boy start things off and they tie up. Jungle Boy goes to a Side Headlock and Quen tries to run him off into the ropes, but Jungle Boy holds on and goes down to one knee. Quen then tries to counter into a Belly-to-Back Suplex, but Jungle Boy is able to shift his weight enough to block it. Quen then pushes Jungle Boy back into the corner and finally breaks free with a flurry of Elbow Strikes to the mid-section. Quen then nails Jungle Boy with a Gamengiri in the corner and then Monkey Flips him across the ring. Quen then tags in Kassidy, who springboards in off the top rope and goes for a Shooting Star Press, but Jungle Boy rolls out of the way and Kassidy crashes to the mat. Jungle Boy then makes the tag to Lunchasaurus, who charges in and plows over top of Kassidy with a Running Shoulder Block. Luchasaurus then follows up with a Running Senton and makes the cover, but Kassidy kicks out. Luchasaurus then drags Kassidy up from behind and completes a trio of German Suplexes, but in pulling him up for the third one gets too close to Kassidy’s corner and he makes the tag to Quen on the way up as Luchasaurus delivers the third German. Quen then comes in off the top rope and hits Luchasaurus with a Flying Bulldog. Quen then follows up with a Standing Moonsault and makes the cover, but the big dino kicks out with authority. Quen puts the boots to Luchasaurus as he pulls himself back up and then Quen bounces off the ropes and runs into a goozle and then a Chokeslam. Luchasaurus then makes the tag to Jungle Boy and Jungle Boy climbs up onto his partner’s shoulders and prepares to jump off, but Kassidy comes charging in to break up the double team move, knocking Luchasaurus off balance and sending Jungle Boy crashing to the mat. Luchasurus then Clotheslines Kassidy out over the top rope, but his momentum carries him out over the top rope and to the floor as well where both men crash to the concrete. Quen then hits Jungle Boy with a Package Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Private Party are your winners and STILL the Tag Team Champions. Still to come, Charlotte Flair will defend the Television Championship in our Main Event, but before that former World Heavyweight Champion Tomasso Ciampa is headed to the ring. He takes on Pac in our next contest, right after this commercial break.
Back from the break, Pac and Ciampa make their entrances for this next contest.
Match #3 – Tomasso Ciampa vs. Pac
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Pac Headbutts Ciamps right between the eyes, but Ciamps completely shrugs it off and kicks him in the gut and connects with the Fairy-tale Ending and covers him for the three count.
Ciampa picks up the win in shockingly fast fashion. In the back, Big Sugar is getting mic’ed up in his office for his announcement, coming up after our final commercial break of the night.
Back from the break, Big Sugar is sitting in his office and we’re about to find out who will challenge for the Women’s World Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship at Spring Stampede, live on Pay Per View a week from Saturday.
Big Sugar says that there is a very clear direction in which to take the Women’s World Championship picture and some people may not like it because they run in the same circle, but Lacey Evans has beaten every worthy challenger out there except one and that’s because that challenger has been too busy with other gold, so at Spring Stampede, Lacey Evans is going to defend her title against the current Television Champion, Charlotte Flair.
As for the World Heavyweight Championship, Big Sugar says the picture is somewhat more cloudy. The boss says in HWL there is no such thing as a rematch clause or an automatic rematch and for good reason. That prevents a title from being tied up between any two wrestlers for an extended period of time. With that being the case, we’ve had two champions fall right before a Pay Per View that have not had the chance to get back into the title picture yet in David Arquette and Marty Scurll. However, since losing the0 title, both men have also been beaten in singles matches. As such, the men that beat them arguably also deserve an opportunity – Nick Aldis and Marko Stunt. So, next week, right here on Overdrive, we will have a Fatal 4-Way Match between those four competitors. The winner will advance to challenge the World Heavyweight Champion at Spring Stampede. Best of luck to each competitor.
With that news out of the way, it’s Main Event time as Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring and it is revealed that her challenger tonight is the inaugural Television Champion Sami Callihan.
Match # 4 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. Sami Callihan
The two prepare to square off, but then are surprised as Lacey Evans’ music hits and the Women’s World Champion, having just found out that she will defend her title against Charlotte a week from Saturday, makes her way to the ring for a closer look and joins the commentary team. Callihan tries to capitalize on the distraction and rolls Charlotte up from behind and seems to get a little handsy in the process and Charlotte kicks out and immediately pops Sami with a big right hand, knocking him through the ropes and out to the ring apron and Sami drops to the floor and stumbles around cursing. He’s obviously going to have a black eye after that one. Sami gets back in the ring and the two tie up and Charlotte forces him backward into the corner and delivers a flurry of Knee Strikes to the gut. Charlotte then tries to Hip Toss Sami across the ring, but Sami blocks it and slaps her viciously across the face and then follows up with an Impaler DDT and makes the cover, but Charlotte kicks out. Sami puts the boots to the champion and then drags her up by the hair and calls for the Cactus Piledriver, but Charlotte counters into a Back Body Drop. Charlotte then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Lift. Charlotte then plants Callihan with his own Cactus Piledriver and makes the cover, but Callihan kicks out for a near fall. Charlotte hammers the challenger with a flurry of Ax-handle Chops and then tries to grab a leg to set up for the Figure Four, but Callihan kicks her backward into the corner. Callihan pulls himself back up, but Charlotte charges out of the corner and connects with a Spear. Charlotte then goes up to the top rope and goes for a Moonsault, but Callihan drives both feet up into her face and Charlotte collapses to her knees. Callihan then bounces off the ropes and connects with Charlotte’s signature Natural Selection and makes the cover, but Charlotte kicks out at the very last second to save the title. Sami then drags her up by the hair and Charlotte swings half-heartedly and can’t connect and Sami hocks a big lugie right between her eyes and then rears back with a big right hand, but as he throws it, Charlotte ducks and Sami knocks out the referee by mistake. Charlotte then takes Sami by the tights and chucks him through the ropes and out to the floor as Charlotte goes out to the ring apron. Sami crawls over to the announce table as Charlotte goes for a Moonsault out to the floor, but Sami pulls Lacey into the way and Charlotte takes out the women’s champion by mistake.  Sami then takes Charlotte by the tights and hurls her headlong into the ring steps. Sami then goes about pulling up the padding around ring between the apron and the announce table and then sets up for a Cactus Piledriver on Charlotte, but now Lacey is back up and breaks it up, shoving Sami into the side of the ring. Sami kicks her in the gut and then goes back to Charlotte, but Charlotte fights him off and knocks him loopy with a Bionic Elbow. Sami turns back to Lacey, who rears back for the Woman’s Right, but Sami drops to the floor and Charlotte, who couldn’t see what Lacey was doing with Sami between them, steps forward to try to grab hold of Sami and walks right into the big right hand from Lacey, knocking her out cold. Sami then takes Lacey from behind and hurls her out over the barricade and into the crowd. Sami then quickly rolls Charlotte into the ring and plants her on her head with the Cactus Piledriver and makes the cover as the referee slowly crawls into position and makes the three count.
Callihan snatches the title from the referee and quickly retreats as Lacey comes storming into the ring with a steel chair, but Callihan is your winner and the NEW Television Champion. Another unpredictable ending to another episode of Overdrive and now there is just one more show remaining before we get to Spring Stampede a week from Saturday. Join us again next week to see what else may happen, but for now, we are signing off.


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