The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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3/25/2020 4:54 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #34 (03/25/20)

Pyros light up the arena and its another week of Overdrive coming live to you tonight from an undisclosed location. Tonight, Charlotte Flair seeks revenge as she challenge The Miz in a rematch for the Television Championship after Miz’s upset victory two weeks ago. Also tonight, three women will vie for the chance to challenge Lacey Evans for the Women’s World Championship next week. And that match is coming up first as Alexa Bliss, Leva Bates and Velvet Sky make their way to the ring.
Match #1 – Women’s #1 Contender Match – Alexa Bliss vs. Velvet Sky vs. Leva Bates
The match gets under way with Bliss and Sky getting into a shouting match before Bates steps between the two of them and shush’s them both loudly. Bliss and Sky then both shove Bates down on her keister and then start trading punches fast and furious. Bliss whips Sky off into the ropes and drops her head for a Back Body Drop, but Sky counters into a Sunset Flip and Bliss manages to keep her feet, but Sky has a handful of tights she yanks down with her as she carries over and while Bliss struggles to pull her pants back up, Bates kicks her square in the face and Bliss falls backward into the pinfall from Sky, which Bates quickly breaks up. Bates then hits Sky with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and then pulls Velvet up by the tights and wedgies her as she pitches her through the ropes and out to the floor. Bates then goes for a Running Knee Lift on Bliss, but Bliss counters into a Backslide for a near fall. Bliss then grabs Bates’ library book and swings it at her, but Bates ducks and bounces off the ropes and delivers a Spinning Heel Kick to the book, driving it backward into Bliss’ face. Bates then makes the cover and picks up the three count on the former women’s champion.
Leva Bates is your winner and will advance to challenge Lacey Evans for the title next week. In the back, we see Charlotte Flair preparing backstage for our Main Event. That’s coming up later tonight, but first we have tag team action coming your way after this short break.
Back from the advertisements, it’s tag team action as the Fortgotten Sons’ Wesley Blake and Steve Cutler and oVe’s Dave and Jake Crist make their entrances.
Match #2 – Forgotten Sons vs. oVe
Blake and Cutler make a big show of psyching themselves up for this match with numerous face slaps and fist bumps before they decide Blake is going to start things off against Jake Crist. Cutler goes out to the ring apron and Crist drops Blake immediately with a Savat Kick. Jake then makes the tag to Dave and the two bumrush, Cutler, ramming him and propelling him off the ring apron into the barricade. Dave then lays down on his back with his knees up and holds Blake’s torso over his knees while pinning his arms behind his back as Jake comes off the top rope with a Senton Bomb. Dave then covers Blake for the three count and oVe pick up the win.
In the back, we see the Television Champion, The Miz, heading to the ring with the Television Title slung over his shoulder. That title is on the line next in our Main Event, right after this quick word from our sponsors.

Back from the break, Charlotte Flair and The Miz make their entrances for our Main Event of the evening for the Television Championship.
Match #3 – HWL Television Championship – The Miz vs. Charlotte Flair
The bell sounds and Charlotte connects with a Spear on the champion. She then stands back in the corner as Miz stumbles back up to his feet and Charlotte connects with another Spear. She waits a third time as Miz regains her feet and she goes for another Spear, but this time Miz counters with a Knee Lift to her face. Miz then goes for the Skull-crushing Finale, but Charlotte powers her way out of it and snaps Miz over her head and sends him crashing to the mat. Charlotte then bounces off the ropes as he regains his feet and she connects with a Running Big Boot, flattening the champion. Miz rolls over and struggles to try to get back up, but Charlotte follows up with Natural Selection. Charlotte then puts him in the Figure Four and Miz cries out in pain and tries desperately to drag himself to the ropes, but is unable to move Charlotte at all as she bridges up into the Figure Eight and Miz immediately taps out.
Charlotte Flair is your winner and the NEW Television Champion as she recaptures the gold from The Miz. There will be no rest for the champion, however, as the title will be on the line once again next week right here on Overdrive, as will the Women’s World Championship. All that and more if you join us once again on Overdrive next week, but for now, it’s time to sign off again.


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