The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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3/22/2020 1:56 pm  #1

HWL presents Fearless (03/22/20)

Pyros light up the arena as HWL continues to remain underground from an undisclosed location during the ongoing pandemic concerns and tonight while the world battles with uncertainty, the HWL shows that we are completely Fearless, live on Pay Per View. Tonight, our Main Event is all about fear and one man’s attempt to overcome that fear. A nightmare reign has descended over the HWL with Bray Wyatt capturing the World Heavyweight Championship, but can the challenger wake us all up from the nightmare and show us what it’s like to Dream On in peace? In addition, three other titles will be on the line tonight and we have a slew of other matches you aren’t going to want to miss, starting with this matchup that was meant to take place at the NWA’s Crockett Cup Pay Per View, which has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic precautions. While that event is postponed and the stipulations between these two men will await a time when they can once again meet in an NWA ring, we’ve brought them here tonight to go one-on-one in the HWL at Fearless as Nick Aldis and former HWL World Heavyweight Champion Marty Scurll make their entrances.
Match #1 – Nick Aldis vs. Marty Scurll
The two men prepare to square off as the bell sounds, but then Aldis asks the referee to check Scurll for weapons. Scurll reluctantly obliges and of course the referee finds nothing. The referee then goes to check Aldis and while he’s preoccupied, MJF comes in from behind Scurll with a Low Blow. Aldis keeps the referee at a position where he can’t see what’s happened and then bulrushes around the referee to waylay Scurll with a Running Forearm. Aldis then follows up with Tormentum and covers Scurll for the three count.
This is an absolute miscarriage of justice to start the night and our broadcast colleague catches up with MJF in the back to try to get an explanation. MJF says he is undefeated in AEW, he is undefeated here in the HWL, but it’s chumps like Marty Scurll that get title shots, chumps like Marty Scurll that get matched up with the NWA World Champion on Pay Per View and yet he’s lucky to get a match on the card with a washed up has-been like M.V.P. later on tonight and that’s unacceptable. MJF says its high time he did something about it and that’s what you saw out there and until he gets the respect he deserves, it’s going to keep on happening.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our first title contest of the night as Sasha Banks and Lacey Evans make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Lacey Evans vs. Sasha Banks
The two women square off as the match gets under way and they engage in a Collar-and-Elbow Tie-up before Evans Hip Tosses the challenger and then follows up with a Running Snapmere. Evans then hooks a leg and drives her weight down across Sasha’s knee three times. Lacey then bounces off the ropes and drops a Leaping Elbow Drop over Sasha’s knee. Lacey then stands back as Sasha stumbles  back up to her feet and Lacey kicks Sasha in the gut and underhooks both arms as she sets up for a Tilt-A-Whirl Powerbomb, but Sasha counters into a Facebuster. Sasha then heads up to the top turnbuckle as Lacey slowly gets back up and Sasha goes for a Flying Crossbody, but Lacey catches her with a Gutbuster and follows up with a Fallaway Slam. Lacey then stands back in the corner as Sasha struggles back up again and Lacey goes for a Running Knee Lift, but Sasha sidesteps and counters into a Backslide for a near fall. Evans pops back up and snaps off the Woman’s Right before Banks can fully regain her feet and Lacey covers her for the three count.
Lacey Evans is your winner and STILL The Women’s World Champion. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Sami Callihan, who was supposed to face The Rock on Pay Per View at Fully Loaded back in February, but claimed responsibility for The Rock having issues with his vehicle that prevented that match from taking place. Sami says it’s a funny thing, how one little piece falling out of place can bring even the most inventive machines to a halt and if there’s one thing Sami Callihan has always been good at, it’s knocking pieces out of place. Sami says it’s also funny that nobody has seen The Rock here at the arena yet tonight, and it would just be an absolute shame if he failed to show up again tonight. If that happened, Sami says they might stop inviting his Hollywood ass back here and that’s just fine with him because the HWL needs more people like Sami Callihan and less people like The Rock.
Back at ringside, M.V.P. and MJF make their entrances for this next contest.
Match #3 – MJF vs. M.V.P.
The match gets under way and the two men tie-up and MVP shoves MJF down onto his ass and MJF retreats out to the floor and as he goes over to the barricade, he’s suddenly struck over the back of the head by an umbrella. Marty Scurll then jumps the barricade and continues to smash MJF mercilessly with the umbrella and the referee calls for the bell, awarding the win to MJF by disqualification.
MJF escapes up the rampway and MVP comes out of the ring and shoves Scurll and gets in his face, so now Scurll batters MVP with the umbrella and throws him back into the ring. Scurll then chokes MVP out with the Chicken Wing and storms around the ring in a fury. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the Tag Team Champions, The Briscoes. Jay and Mark remind us that they have mown down every tag team the HWL has to offer, saving this last one. Jay and Mark say after they soundly defeat Private Party tonight, maybe it’ll be time for them to head back to Sandy Fork for some R&R. Maybe it’ll be time for the HWL to stop sending teams out to the ring with them to embarrass themselves. And just maybe, it’ll be time for the Briscoes to set their eyes on another prize entirely.
Back at ringside, David Arquette and Chris Jericho make their way to the ring for this next contest.
Match #4 – David Arquette vs. Chris Jericho
The two men square off warily and Jericho makes the first move, going for the Judas Effect right off the bat, but Arquette ducks and counters into an Atomic Drop. Arquette then follows up with a German Suplex and bridges up into the cover, but Jericho kicks out. Arquette gets back to his feet, but something is clearly wrong with Jericho as he’s unable to get back up off the mat, holding the back of his neck. Arquette, sensing weakness, pounces on it as he drives his knee repeatedly into the back of Jericho’s neck. Arquette then drags Jericho to the middle of the ring and plants him with a Piledriver. Arquette then makes the cover and picks up the three count.
Arquette picks up the win as he proves to still be in top form as a potential contender for the World Heavyweight Championship, a title he held earlier this year once already. Is another shot at the gold in his near future? In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the Velveteen Dream. Dream says there is one thing you should all know about the Dream and that one thing is that he is completely Fearless. Dream says this night was made for him and while he prepared to challenge Marty Scurll, Bray Wyatt is actually the perfect opponent for the Dream. The package at the top of the show laid it out perfectly because Bray Wyatt is a nightmare champion. From the beginning of time, there have been dreams and there have been nightmares and every night, one wins and one loses and after tonight’s Main Event, it will be nothing but Sweet Dreams in the months to come.
Back at ringside, we have another title match coming up for you as Private Party and The Briscoes make their way to the ring and the Tag Team Championships will be on the line.
Match #5 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. Private Party
Marq Quen and Mark Briscoe start things off and Mark rears up for some Redneck Kung Fu, but instead eats a Spinning Heel Kick from Quen. Quen then quickly tags in Kasidy and the two bounce off the ropes on the other side of the ring and Quen hits a Running Shooting Star press as Kasidy connects with an Atomic Leg Drop. Quen then Dropkicks Jay off the ring apron as Kasidy makes the cover, but Mark kicks out. Kasidy drags Mark back up and drives him back against the corner with a series of Forearm Shivers, but Mark turns the tables and fires back with Knife-edge Chops. Mark then whips Kasidy across the ring and follows up with an Avalanche Splash, but before he can leave the corner, Quen jumps on his back from behind, but then Mark flips Quen over his back and out over the top rope where he crash lands into Jay out on the floor, wiping both men out. Kasidy then catches Mark with a Blockbuster Neckbreaker from the middle rope and makes the cover for the three count.
Private Party are your winners and the NEW Tag Team Champions, putting an end to The Briscoes’ two months of absolute dominance over the division. A video package then highlights the year thus far for Marko Stunt, who has captured both the Television and Cruiserweight Championships already in 2020. Tonight, he puts the Cruiserweight Title on the line against TJ Perkins, a man who ended 2019 as the champion, but failed to show up in the new year to defend his title and was thus stripped of it. However, now, Perkins is back and ready to try to reclaim his prize. That match is coming up next.
Back at ringside, TJ Perkins and Marko Stunt make their way to the ring for this contest.
Match #6 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Marko Stunt vs. TJ Perkins
The two men start to tie-up as the match gets under way, but instead Stunt goes low and crawls through Perkins’ legs. In his attempt to whirl around, Perkins trips over Stunt and crashes to the mat. Stunt rolls him up, but Perkins kicks out for a near fall. Stunt then crawls around on all fours and trips Perkins up again and covers him for another near fall. Stunt then springboards off the ropes into an Asai Moonsault as Perkins regains his feet, but Perkins catches him and drops the champion on his head with a Tombstone Piledriver. Perkins then quickly goes for the cover, but Stunt kicks out for a very close near fall. Perkins puts the boots to Stunt and then sets up for a Swinging Neckbreaker, but Stunt spins out of the way and connects with a Dropkick to the knee. Stunt then follows up with a Tornado DDT and then an Asai Monsault and makes the cover, but Perkins kicks out. Stunt springboards off the ropes again and goes for a Guillotine Leg Drop, but Perkins rolls out of the way and Stunt crashes to the mat. Perkins tries to trap Stunt in a Knee Bar, but Stunt rolls through into a pinning combination for a near fall. Stunt then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head. He then tries to Powerbomb Perkins, but nothing doing as he can’t get the much larger challenger lifted up. Perkins then counters into an Alabama Slam and heads up to the top turnbuckle. He goes for a Corkscrew Senton, but Stunt drives both knees up into his back. Perkins then struggles up to his knees and Stunt bounces off the ropes and jumps onto Perkins’ shoulders for a Hurricanrana, but instead of flipping Perkins through the air, drives him face first into the canvas and Stunt covers him for the three count.
Marko Stunt is your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion. Stunt rushes to grab the title and clamp it in his jaws as he dances around the ring and climbs up on the announce table and does the floss dance with the title hanging from his mouth. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with The Rock, who has made it here tonight to team with Mankind in a Rock ‘N Sock Reunion against Sami Callihan and The Miz. Rock says its true, he didn’t make it to Fully Loaded last month because the lugnut loser Sami Callihan sabotaged his Lincoln Continental. Rock then stops and listens as the crowd chants Lugnut Loser, Lugnut Loser. Rock says that is in the past though because FINALLY, The Rock HAS COME BACK to…. Wherever we are tonight. The Rock says Sami likes to run his mouth and cause chaos backstage because when it comes down to it and it’s time to perform, Sami comes up just a little… short, and if there’s one thing we know about The Rock, it’s that he never has an issue with… performance. Rock says after he’s finished with Little Sami tonight, the only thing Callihan will have left to do is go back home and play with his lugnuts.
Back at ringside, Sami Callihan and The Miz make their way to the ring, followed by the entrances of Mankind and The Rock.
Match #7 – The Rock ‘N Sock Connection vs. Sami Callihan & The Miz
The Rock starts things off and wants a piece of Sami Callihan, but Sami refuses to oblige and Miz starts the match off instead. The two men then tie up, but Rock Headbutts Miz and then sends him reeling with a flurry of big right hands. Rock then whips Miz off into the ropes and Callihan makes a blind tag as Rock goes for a Spinebuster, but Miz counters into a DDT. Callihan comes in immediately with a Running Back Senton on Rock and then immediately tags back out to Miz and both of them put the boots to Rock in the corner and continually tag in and out as they beat down Rock with double-team move after double-team move. Calihan now the legal man again, he toys with The Rock, letting him get close to his corner, but stopping him from reaching Mankind just in time and then dropping him with a Double-arm DDT. Callihan then taunts Mankind, but gets too close as Mankind catches him with the Mandible Claw. Miz acts quickly, running around the ring and pulling Mankind off the ring apron and Mankind crashes face first into the side of the ring. Miz then drives Mankind into the ring steps with the Skull-crushing Finale. Back in the ring, Callihan turns and stumbles into a Rock Bottom. Rock then makes the cover, but Miz dives in to break it up. Rock turns his focus back to Miz and sends the Television Champion reeling with a flurry of big right hands and knocks him out over the top rope and Miz crashes to the ring apron. Rock then stays after Miz, but Miz catches Rock by the neck and drops to the floor, choking him over the top rope. Rock stumbles back to the middle of the ring where Sami plants him with a Cactus Piledriver and covers him for the three count.
Callihan cackles as he retreats from the ring and he and Miz make their way to the back. A video package highlights the night so far at Fearless and then another video promotes the Main Event one more time. It’s time to put the World Heavyweight Championship on the line, coming up right now.
The Velveteen Dream and Bray Wyatt make their entrances and the World Heavyweight Championship is up for grabs as Wyatt puts the title on the line for the first time.
Match #8 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Bray Wyatt vs. Velveteen Dream
The two men circle each other in the ring as the match gets under way and they go to tie-up, but Wyatt overpowers Dream and throws him back against the corner. Wyatt pummels Dream with a flurry of punches to the mid-section and then tries to whip him across the ring into the opposite corner, but Dream counters and takes Wyatt down into a TKO. Dream quickly goes for the cover, but The Fiend kicks out with authority. The Fiend pulls himself up and Dream follows up with a Running Knee Lift and then a Swinging Neckbreaker. Dream then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Leaping Knee Drop and again goes for the cover, but The Fiend kicks out again. Dream puts the boots to Wyatt and then springboards off the ropes and goes for a Flying Crossbody, but The Fiend swats him out of the air. Wyatt then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Senton. Wyatt then slowly drags Dream back to his feet by the hair and whips him into the corner, following him in with an Avalanche Splash and then driving him into the mat with a Sidewalk Slam. Wyatt then uncharacteristically heads up to the top rope and Dream is able to cuts him off with a flurry of punches to the side of the head. Dream then tries to go for a Frankensteiner from the top turnbuckle, but Wyatt blocks it and then Powerbombs Dream from the top turnbuckle down to the ring apron and Dream bounces off and out to the floor. Wyatt goes out after Dream, who is in a very bad way, favoring his back, and Wyatt drags him up to his feet and into the Mandible Claw and then Chokeslams him through the announce table. Wyatt wastes no time dragging Dream back up out of the wreckage and putting him back into the ring as he slides in and goes for the cover, but Dream somehow reaches a hand up and grabs the bottom rope. The Fiend mounts Dream and pummels him with big right hand after right hand as the challenger is unable to defend himself. Wyatt then drags Dream to the middle of the ring and covers him again, but Dream shoots his shoulder up at the last second for a near fall.  Wyatt pounds on Dream some more and then reapplies the Mandible Claw. Dream has nowhere to go in the middle of the ring, but somehow manages to start dragging himself toward the ropes. He can’t reach it though as when he gets too close Wyatt breaks the hold and drags him back to the middle of the ring and puts it on again. Dream frantically slaps away at The Fiend and as a last resort goes to the eyes and scratches his way out of The Fiend’s grip. Dream stumbles back up to his feet on wobbly legs as Wyatt rampages around the ring in a blind rage, swinging wildly and the referee has to duck for cover in the corner. Wyatt grabs the referee, but realizes he’s got the wrong man as the referee is wearing a shirt. Wyatt whirls around the other way and blindly runs right into a Superkick from Dream. Wyatt says on his feet though as Dream somehow summons the strength for a Dream Valley Driver. Dream then heads up to the top turnbuckle and follows up with a Flying Elbow Drop and makes the cover, hooking the leg, but The Fiend kicks out at the very last second. Dream was millimeters away from the title and now he decides to go back to the top rope again and he drives another Diving Elbow Drop into the black heart of the Fiend. He then goes up a third time, but this time comes up empty as Wyatt rolls out of the way and Dream crashes to the mat. Wyatt is on him in an instant with the Mandible Claw again. Wyatt then quickly drags Dream back up to his feet while keeping the Mandible Claw applied and Chokeslams Dream in the middle of the ring. Wyatt then drags Dream up again and Chokeslams him a second time, all while keeping the hold applied. Wyatt then drags Dream back up to his feet one more time and delivers a third Chokeslam and then rolls Dream onto his side as he wraps him up from behind in a Body Scissors and continues to choke the life out of Dream with the Mandible Claw. With Dream now clearly unconscious, the referee has no choice but to stop the match and award the win to Wyatt.
The nightmare continues to hold sway over the HWL as Bray Wyatt is STILL the World Heavyweight Champion, proving that even the Fearless cannot always triumph over the darkness. What comes next as The Fiend tightens his death grip on the HWL? Tune in every Wednesday on Overdrive to find out what comes next, but for now it is time for us to sign off.


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