The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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3/11/2020 7:18 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #32 (03/11/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off this week’s edition of Overdrive. Tonight, four championship are on the line with only the Women’s World Champion, Lacey Evans, taking the night off from defending the gold tonight after a hard-fought victory over Britt Baker last week. We’re starting things off in the tag team division as Wolfgang and Mark Coffey from Gallus prepare to challenge The Briscoes, who have not lost a match here in the HWL in 2020.
Match #1 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. Gallus
Jay and Wolfgang start things off and tie up and Jay backs Wolfgang into a corner, but Wolfgang turns the tables and fires off some Knife-edge Chops. Jay fires up, clubbing his own chest and asks for more. Wolfgang throws some more chops and then punches Jay in the jaw and Jay fires back with a flurry of big right hands and then takes Wolfgang down with a DDT. Jay then tags in Mark and Mark comes in and runs the ropes, back and forth three times before Wolfgang regains his feet and Mark drives him back into the mat with a Bulldog. Mark Briscoe makes the cover, but Mark Coffey comes in to make the save. Jay levels Mark Coffey with a Discus Clothesline and Coffey rolls out to the floor. Mark then smashes Wolfgang with a Crane Kick and Jay follows up with the Jay Driller and Mark covers Wolfgang for the three count.
Another successful title defense for The Briscoes. At this point, Jay and Mark have pretty much worked their way through the entire division. Can anybody step up to the challenge and dethrone the boys from Sandy Fork? If so, it is not tonight. We will see if our other challengers tonight fare any better, but for now this word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, the Cruiserweight Championship is on the line next as the reluctant challenger David Arquette and the champion, Marko Stunt, make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Marko Stunt vs. David Arquette
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Arquette immediately lays down and tells Stunt to get on top of him. Stunt is confused. He stands back and scratches his head. Arquette gets frustrated and then gets back to his feet and pantamimes knocking himself over the head and falls back to the mat feigning unconsciousness. Stunt goes over and sniffs Arquette, but then climbs up to the top turnbuckle instead. Arquette gets up on one knee and tells Stunt not to jump on him, just to get down and pin him. Stunt warily climbs down and Arquette lays back down and Stunt gets a running start and jumps on him, but instead of staying on top of him, tucks and rolls, turning Arquette over on top of him while wrapping him up and Arquette has to fight to kick out of Stunt’s grip to prevent pinning Stunt and winning the title. Arquette angrily boots the little guy in the face. Arquette then sets up for a Powerbomb, but Stunt counters into a Hurricanrana, launching Arquette into the corner. Stunt then rolls Arquette up from behind and the referee makes a two count, but Arquette’s momentum slowly carries him out of Stunt’s grip and over back onto his stomach for a near fall. Arquette then argues with the referee that it was a three count. Stunt then jumps back onto Arquette and rolls over underneath the challenger again, but Arquette fights to reverse their positions and the two exchange several near falls. They finally break apart and Arquette swings wildly, but Stunt goes through his legs and bounces off the ropes on the other side and goes for a Spinning Heel Kick, but Arquette catches him. Arquette then stands there for a beat, considering what to do, and then falls over onto his back with Stunt on top of him and Stunt gets the three count.
Mark Stunt is your winner and STILL the Cruiserweight Champion. Arquette says thank God that is over and storms off to the back as Stunt kneels in the ring with the title and scratches his head, clearly confused, as are we all by what we just witnessed. In the back, we see Television Champion Charlotte Flair going through her final preparations. She defends the title next, coming up after this commercial break.

Back from the break, Charlotte Flair makes her way to the ring and her challenger this week is revealed to be The Miz. However, as Miz makes his way to the ring, he is above the gimmicks you see on WWE television every week. Miz says that is not what you are going to see from him here. Miz says that here, he is going to be 100 percent real and that starts with him going by his full name, Michael Mizanin.
Match #3 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. The Miz
Champion and challenger square off in the middle of the ring and Mizanin rears back and slaps Charlotte across the face. Charlotte goes down to one knee and then pops back up and angrily goes to return the slap, but Mizanin blocks it and pins her in a small package for a near fall. Miz then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Big Boot, but Charlotte ducks out of the way and then Chop Blocks him in the back of the knee. Charlotte then pummels Mizanin with a flurry of Forearm Shivers to the back of the head. Charlotte then pops up and give a WOOOO before going for the Figure Four, but Miz kicks her in the nose and then kicks her backward into the corner and blood starts pouring from her nose immediately. Miz then charges into the corner and connects with a Flying Lariat. He then tries to go for a Bulldog out of the corner, but Charlotte slips free and sends Mizanin crashing to the mat. Charlotte then nails Mizanin with a Running Knee Lift and follows up with a Snap Suplex. Charlotte then works over Mizanin’s left knee with a flurry of kicks to the hamstring and then drives all her weight down on the inside of his knee a couple of times. Charlotte then goes for the Figure Four again, but Miz kicks her in the nose again and then kicks her several times in the chest before he’s finally able to break free. Miz then tries to set up for the Skull-crushing Finale, but Charlotte fights him off with a flurry of Elbow Strikes to the side of the head. Charlotte then shoves Mizanin off into the ropes chest first, but as he bounces back he seemingly by accident rams the back of his head into her nose. Charlotte turns away holding her nose and Miz rolls her up in a Schoolboy, using her trunks for extra leverage as he gets the three count.
The Miz has stolen the win and is the NEW Television Champion. He grabs the title and quickly runs off to the back. We owe you one final word from our sponsors and when we come back, the World Heavyweight Championship is on the line.
Back from the break, the World Heavyweight Champion Marty Scurll and “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt make their entrances for our Main Event.
Match #4 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Marty Scurll vs. Bray Wyatt
Scurll warily approaches the Fiend as the match gets under way and tries for a Single-leg Takedown, but Wyatt punishes him with a series of Double Ax-handle shots to the back. Wyatt then hurls Scurll into the corner and hammers him with a flurry of punches to the gut and then a big one to the face. Wyatt then whips Scurll across the ring into the opposite corner and follows him in, trying for an Avalanche Splash, but Scurll moves out of the way and Wyatt crashes hard into the corner. Scurll rolls him up from behind, but the Fiend quickly kicks out. Scurll then jumps on Wyatt’s back and puts him in a Sleeper Hold and the Fiend slowly begins to fade, going down to one knee, but Wyatt quickly snaps out of it and fights back up to his feet before reaching back to hook Scurll’s legs as he jumps up and falls backward, driving all of his weight down onto the champion. Wyatt then bounces off the ropes and connects with an Atomic Leg Drop and makes the cover, but Scurll kicks out. Wyatt puts the boots to the champion and then drags him up to his feet by the throat and goes for a Chokeslam, but Scurll counters into a DDT. Scurll then heads up to the top turnbuckle and tries for a Corkscrew Senton, but Wyatt drives both knees up into his back. Wyatt then applies the Mandible Claw and Scurll quickly battles back up to his feet, but can’t go anywhere. Wyatt slowly fights to force Scurll back down and Scurll goes to his last resort, clawing at Wyatt’s eyes to get free by any means necessary and it works. Scurll then goes downstairs with a Dropkick to the knee and follows up with a Swinging Neckbreaker and then an Asai Moonsault and hooks the leg, but Wyatt still kicks out at two. Scurll plays to the crowd as Wyatt struggles to regain his feet and Scurll calls for the Chicken Wing, but as he goes to lock it in, Wyatt whips around and instead catches Scurll in the Mandible Claw. This time instead of trying to go down, Wyatt goes high, picking Scurll up off the mat and holding him suspended in the air while keeping the hold applied until Scurll begins to pass out. The Fiend then puts Scurll back down to his feet and quickly transitions from the Mandible Claw into Sister Abigail and pins him for the three count.
Bray Wyatt is your winner and the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. By God, the nightmare has settled down over the HWL and the Fiend has captured the top prize. What will this mean for the HWL moving forward as The Fiend is here to terrorize us all? Tune in during the coming weeks to see if the reign of terror unfolds or if anybody can wake us all back up from the nightmare again. For now, we are signing off.


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