The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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2/26/2020 10:09 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #30 (02/26/20)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off yet another weekly episode of HWL Overdrive and tonight, three champions lay it all on the line and three women go at it for a shot at their division’s gold next week. We’re starting things off right away with the top men’s prize in the business, the HWL World Heavyweight Champion as Montel Vontavious Porter gets his golden opportunity against the champion Marty Scurll as both men make their way out to ringside for the opening bout.
Match #1 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Marty Scurll vs. M.V.P.
The two men tie up as the match gets under way and MVP executes a standing switch and hooks Scurll around the mid-section. Scurll fires a couple of elbows to the side of MVP’s head and then reverses it to wind up clinching MVP around the waist from behind as he picks MVP up and Bodyslams him to the mat.  Scurll then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and goes for the quick cover, but MVP kicks out. Scurll puts the boots to MVP and starts to drag him back up, but MVP fires back with a flurry of punches to the gut and then a Jawbuster. MVP then bounces off the ropes and goes for a Running Big Boot, but Scrull ducks and throws MVP with a German Suplex. Scurll then tries to transition into the Chicken Wing Sumbission, but MVP ties himself up in the ropes before the champion can lock it in. Scurll boots MVP in the back of the head a couple of times and then sets up for a Brainbuster, but MVP twists out of it on the way up and lands on his feet behind Scurll. Scurll whips around and MVP nails him with a Discus Clothesline. MVP then bounces off the ropes and goes Ballin’, but comes up empty as he crashes to the mat. Scurll then punts MVP in the jaw and locks in the Chicken Wing and while big things maybe poppin’, MVP’s title hopes are stoppin’ as the challenger is forced to tap out.
Scurll picks up the win and is declared STILL the World Heavyweight Champion. In the back, our broadcast colleague has caught up with Television Champion Charlotte Flair. Flair says she goes from taking on the biggest wrestler in the HWL locker room last week to now facing another of the smallest. First Marko Stunt and now Riho? Does somebody in the talent acquisition department have a dwarf fetish or something? Charlotte says after she mowed through Big Show with no problem, it should be painfully obvious that nobody is going to be able to stop her, especially not the human version of a Tamagachi. Keep setting them up, she’s here to keep knocking them down. After this word from our sponsors, that match is coming up next.
Back from the break, Riho and Charlotte Flair make their entrances. The Television Championship is on the line.
Match #2 – HWL Television Championship – Charlotte Flair vs. Riho
The match gets under way and Charlotte literally Spears Riho out of her boots immediately. Charlotte gets a kick out of this as she kicks Riho’s now empty shoes out of the ring. Charlotte then drags the diminutive challenger back to her feet and sets up for a Powerbomb, but Riho counters into a Hurricanranna that launches Charlotte into the ropes and down to one knee. Riho then goes for the 619, but Charlotte catches her by the legs and regains her beet before driving Riho into the corner, driving her own shoulder deep into Riho’s gut in the process. Charlotte then pulls Riho out of the corner and onto her shoulder as if to set up for a Running Powerslam, but instead launches Riho forward like a Lawn Dart, dropping Riho flat on her face in the middle of the ring. Charlotte then follows up with Natural Selection and makes the cover for the three count.
Charlotte wins again and her reign rolls on as she is declared the winner and STILL the Television Champion. In the back, we get a split screen look at Tessa Blanchard, two-time HWL Women’s World Champion Nikki Cross and Britt Baker as they make their final preparations. A triple threat to determine who will challenge Lacey Evans for the Women’s World title next week is what’s on tap next after this word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, it’s time to find a new #1 Contender as Tessa Blanchard, Britt Baker and Nikki Cross make their entrances.
Match #3 – Women’s World Championship #1 Contender Match – Tessa Blanchard vs. Nikki Cross vs. Britt Baker
The three women warily square off as the match gets under way and Tessa and Britt decide to concentrate on Nikki in the early going as then back her into a corner and both flail away with clubbing blows. Britt then turns on Tessa and takes her by the tights and pitches her through the ropes and out to the floor. Nikki then kicks Baker in the gut and plants her with an Impaler DDT. Cross makes the cover, but Baker kicks out for a near fall. Cross mounts Baker and hammers her with clubbing Forearm Shivers. Cross then pulls Baker up by the hair and pitches her out over the top rope, but Baker hangs on and lands on the ring apron and Cross charges after her, but Baker drops down and pulls down the bottom rope and Cross charges right out over the top rope and spills out to the floor. Baker then goes up top and takes both Blanchard and Cross down on the floor with a Flying Crossbody. Baker pulls Cross up first by the tights and hurls her over the barricade and out into the crowd. She then drags Tessa up and rams her face first into the ring post and Tessa may have chipped an incisor as she starts bleeding from the mouth. Baker throws Tessa back into the ring and then heads up to the middle turnbuckle as Tessa stumbles back up to her feet and Baker takes her down with a Flying Bulldog. Baker then makes the cover, but Blanchard kicks out for a very close near fall. Baker then connects with a Running Knee Lift as Blanchard slowly gets back up to her feet and then Baker follows up with a Cradle Piledriver, but as she’s delivering it, Cross comes off the top rope and hits Baker with a Missile Dropkick to the back. Cross then tosses Baker through the ropes in the corner, driving her shoulder first into the ring post. Cross turns her attention to Blanchard and delivers a Fisherman’s Neckbreaker. She then makes the cover, but Baker dives over to break it up at the last second. Cross then drives Baker back against the corner with a flurry of punches and then sets up for another Fisherman’s Neckbreaker, but Baker counters with a Back Body Drop out over the ring post and all the way out to the floor. Baker then drills Blanchard with a Shining Wizard and applies Lockjaw as she forces a submission.
Britt Baker is your winner, moving on to challenge Lacey Evans for the Women’s World Championship next week. That leaves just one matter of business to attend to as we see Jay and Mark Briscoe getting in some last second Redneck Kung Fu as they prepare to defend the Tag Team Championship against both the Jurassic Express and the New Day in our Main Event. We’ll be back with you have this final word from our sponsors.
Back from the break, we are with you now for the remainder of the program with no commercial interruption as The New Day, Jurassic Express and The Briscoes make their way to the ring.
Match #4 – HWL Tag Team Championship – Triple Threat Match – The Briscoes vs. Jurassic Express vs. New Day
Kofi Kingston, Mark Briscoe and Luchasaurus start things off for their respective teams and Luchasaurus ducks a Clothesline from Mark and hits one-half of the champions with a Thrust Kick to the gut, hunching him over. Kofi then springboards up off of Mark’s back to fly at Luchasaurus, but Luchasaurus catches him out of the air with a Powerbomb. The big dinosaur then nails Mark with a Tail Whip, knocking him through the ropes and out to the floor. Luchasaurus then covers Kofi, but Jay Briscoe comes in to make the save. The referee forces Jay back out of the ring and Big E comes in and tries for a Big Splash on Luchasaurus before he can get back up, but Luchasaurus rolls out of the way and Big E crash lands on his own partner. Luchasaurus then makes the tag to Jungle Boy and Jungle Boy climbs to the top rope and then up to Luchasaurus’ shoulders before diving off onto both Big E and Kofi with a Splash. Jungle Boy then bounces off the ropes and dives out to the floor at Mark, looking for a Tope Con Helo, but Mark moves out of the way and Jungle Boy crashes hard to the floor. Luchasaurus now drops out to the floor and goes for a Big Boot on Mark, but Mark ducks and Luchasurus drives his own boot into the ring post. Jay then charges around the ring and the Briscoes take the big dinosaur down with a Combination High Low attack with a Chop Block and a Flying Shoulder Block. Mark then heads up to the top turnbuckle as Jay hoists Jungle Boy up onto his shoulders and they connect with the Doomsday Device out to the floor. The Briscoes then go back into the ring and Double Clothesline Big E out over the top rope as he stumbles back up to his feet. Jay then plants Kofi with the Jay Driller and Mark comes off the top with a Froggy ‘Bow and Jay covers Kingston for the three count.
The Briscoes roll on and continue their reign at the top of the duos division as they are declared the winners and STILL the Tag Team Champions. Thank you for inviting us all into your homes once again this week and join us again next Wednesday for another episode of Overdrive as Lacey Evans defends the Women’s World Championship against Britt Baker, Charlotte Flair puts the Television Championship on the line against yet another challenger and who knows what else might happen. Tune in to find out next week, but for now we are signing off.


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