The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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2/15/2020 10:04 pm  #1

HWL presents Fully Loaded (02/15/20)

Welcome to Las Vegas as HWL presents Fully Loaded live tonight only on Pay Per View from the Thomas & Mack Center on the campus of UNLV.  Tonight we have six matches on tap for you included four championships on the line, but first we have some business to finish up with the finals of the Mixed Tag Team Tournament. The winners will earn an opportunity at the World championship corresponding to their division the next time HWL comes to you live on Pay Per View in March.
The Velveteen Dream and Sasha Banks make their entrances as they prepare to take on Samoa Joe and Shayna Baszler in the finals.
Match #1- Mixed Tag Team Tournament Finals – Velveteen Dream & Sasha Banks vs. Samoa Joe & Shayna Baszler
Dream and Joe start things off and Dream rocks Joe with a flurry of jabs. Dream then goes to a Side Headlock, but Joe backs him into the corner and then Irish Whips him across the ring into the opposite corner. Joe charges in after him, but Dream drives both boots up into his face. Dream then follows up with a Bulldog and then a Leaping Elbow Drop across the back of the neck and goes for the cover, but Joe kicks out. Dream pulls Joe back up and knocks him back against the ropes with a European Upper Cut and follows up with a flurry of Knife-edge Chops. Dream then whips Joe across the ring and as he bounces off the ropes on the other side, Baszler tags herself in. As Joe charges back to the center of the ring, Dream levels him with a Spinning Heel Kick. Baszler comes in and tries to grab Dream in a Rear Naked Choke, but Dream slips free and hoists her up onto his shoulders and drives her onto Joe with a Rolling Dream Valley Driver and Joe rolls out to the floor. Dream then heads up top and connects with a Flying Elbow Drop onto Baszler and covers her for the three count.
Dream and Banks win the tournament, which means Velveteen Dream will challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship at the March Pay Per View event and Sasha Banks will challenge for the Women’s World Championship on that same show. In the back, our broadcast colleague has caught up with Sami Callihan, who was scheduled to face The Rock tonight, but that match is off due to travel issues. Callihan implies that The Rocks’ travel issues may have had something to do with someone sabotaging his Lincoln Continental’s brakes and that it’s just too bad Mr. Hollywood couldn’t be here to take his beating like a man, but maybe next time.
Back at ringside, it’s time for our first title match of the night as Marko Stunt and the Cruiserweight Champion Finn Balor make their way to the ring.
Match #2 – HWL Cruiserweight Championship – Finn Balor vs. Marko Stunt
The two men square off as the match gets under way and Stunt lunges at Balor’s feet, wrapping him up around the ankles and tripping him to the mat. Stunt then rolls over Balor and grips his head in a Leg Scissors. Balor slowly pulls himself back to his feet with Stunt hanging off him and Balor easily shrugs the little gut off and catches him around the waist before he can fall to the mat. Balor then follows up with a Wheelbarrow Suplex. Balor then puts the boots to the little guy and drags him back to his feet by the hair and flings him into the corner. Balor then charges into the corner and connects with a Running Knee Smash to the chest. Balor then sets up for 1916, but Stunt counters into a rollup for a near fall. Stunt then ducks a Clothesline and nails Balor with a Shining Wizard to the kneecap. Stunt follows up with a DDT and makes the cover, but Balor kicks out with authority. Stunt springboards off the ropes as Balor staggers back up and Stunt connects with an Asai Moonsault, kneeing Balor upside the head in the process. Stunt then heads up to the top turnbuckle, but now here come Gallows and Anderson running down the rampway and Stunt dives out to the floor for a Diving Crossbody, but Gallows and Anderson catch him out of midair. They set up for the Magic Killer on the floor, but Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus come charging down the ramp to make the save and Jungle Boy pulls Stunt out of their grip as Luchasaurus lays both the Goodbrothers out with a Tail Whip. Balor then comes flying out over the top rope for a Tope Con Helo, but the Jurassic Express all move out of the way and Balor crashes hard to the rampway. Jungle Boy and Luchasaurus then cheer Stunt on as he drags Balor up and rolls him into the ring. Stunt then heads up to the top turnbuckle and connects with a 630 Splash. However, the Babysaurus isn’t done there as he heads up top one more time and connects with a Shooting Star Press, landing with all his body weight on Balor’s face. Stunt then sits on Balor’s chest and hooks the leg as he gets the three count.
Marko Stunt is your winner and the NEW Cruiserweight Champion. The rest of the Jurassic Express joins in the celebration as they carry Stunt around the ring on their shoulders and The Club slinks off to the back. In the back, our broadcast colleague reviews the history of Lacey Evans’ pursuit of the Women’s World Championship, which saw her win the title at New Year’s Revolution last month only to be upset in her first title defense against the current champion Alexa Bliss. Evans says that everybody always says that Luck is a Lady, but that’s just not the case. Lacey says she is a Lady, but Luck is a fiend. A fiend that helped Alexa Bliss to steal the Women’s World Championship away from her. But this is Las Vegas, where Luck changes on a dime and tonight it deserts Alexa Bliss completely as she takes back a title that means far more to her than it ever could to anybody else.
Back at rinside, our next title match is coming up as War Machine and The Briscoes make their way to the ring.
Match #3 – HWL Tag Team Championship – The Briscoes vs. War Machine
Jay Briscoe and Hanson start things off and trade thunderous right hands. Hanson then sends Jay off into the ropes and drops his head for a Back Body Drop, but Jay stops short and boots him in the chin. Jay then follows up with a Swinging Neckbreaker and makes the tag to Mark, who comes off the top rope with a Froggy Bow and goes for the cover, trying to end this one early, but Rowe makes the save. Jay then tries to Clothesline Rowe out over the top rope, but Rowe drops out of the way, pulling down the top rope and sending Jay spilling out to the floor. Mark then fires up some Redneck Fung Fu as he knocks Rowe out of the ring with a Crane Kick. Mark then sets up for a Piledriver on Hanson, but the big man powers out of it and delivers an Alabama Slam. Hanson follows up with a Running Back Splash and makes the cover, but Mark kicks out for a near fall. Hanson heads up to the top rope and goes for a Senton Bomb, but Mark drives both knees up into his back. Mark then follows up with a Package Piledriver and makes the cover, but Hanson kicks out for a near fall. Mark pummels Hanson and drags him back up to his feet, but now Hanson fires back and knocks Mark back into his corner with a Bicycle Kick and Jay tags himself in. Hanson then charges into the corner at Mark, but Mark moves out of the way and Hanson crashes into the corner. Jay then flips into the ring over Hanson and connects with a Blockbuster Neckbreaker. Rowe comes back into intervene and Jay Elbows him in the face and hoists him up onto his shoulders as Mark comes off the top with the Doomsday Device. Mark then rolls Rowe out of the way as Jay polishes Hanson off with the Jay Driller and covers him for the three count.
The Briscoes retain the gold after this all out tag team warfare and are STILL the champions. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with the World Heavyweight Champion, Marty Scurll. Scrull says regardless of what people might think about the way his World Title win ended on Wednesday, what matters is that he is finally over the hump. Scrull says that no man can ever say again that Marty Scurll couldn’t win the big one. This is a new Marty Scurll, not only the Villain, but the World’s Villain, and one thing you’ll come to see about this new Marty Scurll, as David Arquette found out on Wednesday, no matter how long you beat on him, no matter how close you might think you are to winning, the end result is that this new Villain doesn’t lose.
Back at ringside, we have a special attraction for you as the AEW Champion Chris Jericho, the NWA Champion Nick Aldis and the NXT Champion Adam Cole face off in a Triple Threat Match.
Match #4 – Triple Threat Match – Chris Jericho vs. Nick Aldis vs. Adam Cole
The three men square off as the match gets under way and Aldis fights off both opponents with a series of big right hands and then whips Jericho into the corner. Aldis then whips Cole in after him and Cole tries to turn it into a Flying Knee Smash to Jericho’s face, but Jericho throws his arms up, elevating Cole out over the top rope and sending him bouncing off the ring apron and out to the floor. Jericho comes out of the corner swinging as he goes for the Judas Effect on Aldis, but Aldis ducks and counters into a Reverse DDT Backbreaker. Aldis then hooks Jericho by the legs and applies the King’s Lynn Cloverleaf. Jericho wavers on the edge of tapping out, but Cole comes back into make the save. Cole throws Aldis back against the corner and connects with a flurry of punches to the gut. Cole then tries to whip Aldis across the ring, but Aldis counters into and whips Cole into a Spear from Jericho. Aldis then follows up with a Michinoku Driver on Jericho onto Cole and Cole rolls back out to the floor as Aldis puts Jericho back in the Cloverleaf and forces him to tap out.
Aldis, the self-proclaimed Real World’s Champion, picks up the win and Fully Loaded keeps rolling along as we cut to the back where our broadcast college is standing by with former World Heavyweight Champion Tomasso Ciampa. Ciampa says tomorrow night in Portland Daddy Comes Home to reclaim Goldie at NXT Takeover, but for the HWL Daddy’s Return comes 24 hours early and Goldie won’t enjoy her return to Daddy’s warm embrace half as much without her twin sister there to keep her company, so it falls to him to make sure he takes care of Goldie’s twin tonight so she’s there to greet Goldie tomorrow and they can all be one big happy family together at last.
Back at ringside, Tomasso Ciampa and Marty Scurll make their entrances for our next match for the World Heavyweight Championship.
Match #5 – HWL World Heavyweight Championship – Marty Scurll vs. Tomasso Ciampa
The two men circle each other warily, feeling each other out in the early going and as they finally tie-up, Ciampa snaps Scurll into a Side Headlock Takedown. Scurll slowly battles back up to his feet and tries to shove Ciampa off into the ropes, but Ciampa holds on tight. Scurll fights his way back up again and backs his way to the corner as he slaps his hands together under Ciampa’s leg and delivers a Side Suplex, slamming Ciampa head first into the bottom turnbuckle to break his grip. Scurll then pummels Ciampa and drags him to the middle of the ring where he delivers a Running Back Splash across Ciampa’s face and then makes the cover, but Ciampa kicks out. Scurll then drags Ciampa up by the beard and Ciampa spits in his eyes. Ciampa then kicks Scurll in the gut and snaps off a DDT. Ciampa then makes the cover, but Scurll kicks out. Ciampa puts the boots to Scurll and now he drags the champion up by the beard and throws him backward into the corner and frantically kicks Scurll over and over in the gut. Ciampa then tries to hoist Scurll up to the middle turnbuckle, but Scurll fights him off with a series of Elbows to the side of the head. Scurll then slips around behind Ciampa and into a Half-Nelson Suplex. Scurll then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Dropkick to the side of the head and Ciampa rolls out to the floor. Ciampa stumbles around and Scurll comes flying out over the top rope with a Tope Con Helo, taking down the challenger. Scurll then pulls Ciampa up by the pants and hurls him headlong into the ring steps, opening up a cut along the top of Ciampa’s skull. Blood pours down Ciampa’s face as Scurll puts him back in the ring and heads up to the top turnbuckle, but Ciampa dives against the ropes, crotching him on the top turnbuckle. Ciampa then pulls Scurll out away from the ropes, leaving his feet hanging on the top turnbuckle as he underhooks both arms and delivers a Double-Underhook Rope-Hung DDT, planting Scurll forehead first into the mat. Ciampa then rolls into the cover, hooking the leg, but Scurll kicks out for a very close near fall. Ciampa calls for the Fair-tale Ending as he drags Scurll up to his feet by one ear, but Scurll knocks his hand away and drops the challenger down to one knee with a Headbutt to the jaw. Scurll then follows up with a Shining Wizard and goes for the cover, but only gets a near fall. Scurll then pulls Ciampa up into a seated position and hits a Dropkick to the back of the head before applying the Chicken Wing Submission, but Ciampa is able to quickly wrap his boot up in the rope. Scurll tries to pull Ciampa away from the ropes, but part of the boot gets stuck and the boot becomes dislodged from Ciampa’s foot. Ciampa fights Scurll off with a flurry of punches to the gut and then dives to his loose boot. Ciampa takes the boot and swings it wildly at Scurll but Scurll ducks and stomps on his toes. Scurll then goes back to the Chicken Wing Sumbission and Ciampa kicks wildly off the ropes and both men topple over backward and Scurll keeps the hold applied as he bridges up off his shoulders. Ciampa’s shoulders though are down as the referee makes the three count.
Scurll is your winner and STILL the World Heavyweight Champion and Party Marty runs around the ring with the title held high before making his way to the back proclaiming once again that the new villain does NOT lose. In the back, our broadcast colleague is standing by with Womens’ World Champion Alexa Bliss. Bliss begins reading a list of names. Felicitas, Fortuna, Lakshmi, Nortia, Vesunna. Bliss says Lacey Evans has it all wrong, that Luck was never a mere Lady. Bliss says that Luck is a goddess. All those names, in one culture or another, were revered as the Goddess of Good Fortune, in other words Luck. But Bliss says she herself is a Goddess and she makes her own Luck, which is just more bad news for Lacey.
Back at ringside, it is time for our Main Event of the evening as Lacey Evans and Alexa Bliss make their entrances.
Match #6 – HWL Women’s World Championship – Alexa Bliss vs. Lacey Evans
The two women waste no time tearing into each other as the match gets under way and Evans takes Bliss down with a Double-leg Tackle and pummels her with fast and furious Forearm Smashes. Bliss is finally able to scramble out from underneath her and tie up in the ropes and pull herself out to the floor. Evans rolls out after her and Bliss kicks her in the bad knee, the same knee that helped cost Evans the title in their last match. Bliss then DDTs Evans on the floor and slides back into the ring and orders the referee to count Evans out. Evans struggles back up, but can barely put any weight on that knee and starts to slide back in under the bottom rope at eight, but Bliss knocks her back to the floor with a Baseball Slide. Bliss then goes out after Evans and tries to pull her back up, but Evans shoves her into the announce table and then knocks her out with the Woman’s Right and Bliss falls over backward onto the announce table with one leg hanging over the side. Lacey pulls the monitors out of the table and hobbles to the ring apron and Bliss hasn’t moved as Lacey hops on one leg up to the top turnbuckle and I don’t know if she has enough power in that leg to pull off what she’s thinking about doing. Lacey struggles to balance on the top rope as she pummels herself in the thigh to distract from the pain in her knee before letting out a primal scream and taking flight, landing on Bliss with a Flying Elbow Drop and driving her through the announce desk. Now the real struggle as Evans has to get up out of the wreckage and get into the ring in time to break the referee’s count, which she barely does at nine before quickly dropping back out to the floor to make sure Bliss wasn’t counted out, which would have denied Evans the title. Evans now hobbles back over to Bliss and drags her by the hair and the britches before wedgying the champion back into the ring. Evans is headed up to the top rope again as Bliss hasn’t moved a muscle since the Woman’s Right and now Evans goes for a Moosault, but Bliss drives both feet up into her face on the landing. Bliss slowly rolls into the cover, but Evans just barely kicks out at the last second. Bliss punishes Evans with a series of Crossface Forearm Smashes to the nose and then takes the bad leg and points it straight up at the lights before flipping over Evans while taking the leg with her, putting all the wrong kind of pressure on that knee and hamstring as Bliss snaps off the maneuver. Bliss then puts Evans in an Indian Death Lock and this could be it. By all rights this should be it. How much more can Lacey take. Yet, she refuses to give it up even as she howls in pain and somehow very very slowly fights her way to the ropes and forces the break. Bliss keeps the hold applied all the way up until the very last second of the referee’s five count before letting Evans go. Bliss then stands back and taunts Evans as she struggles to pull herself up using the ropes and Evans lunges at Bliss with a wild swing, but Bliss dodges and Evans crashes to the mat. Bliss then stomps repeatedly on the back of her bad knee and tells her to stay down. Bliss then heads up to the top rope and Evans is in perfect position as Bliss takes flight with Twisted Bliss, but as she’s about to land on Evans, Evans punches up from the mat and socks Bliss on the jaw with the Woman’s Right from the mat. Bliss crashes to the mat and Evans slowly pulls herself over top of her for the cover and the three count.
Lacey Evans is your winner and once again the NEW Women’s World Champion. What a finish to the night as Lacey Evans snatches victory from the very jaws of defeat to reclaim the title. Evans hugs the title to her chest as she scoots back into the corner and hobbles back up to her feet before hoisting the title up. Whether it was Luck or some other force working in her favor, the Lady of HWL reigns supreme once again as Fully Loaded comes to a close. Thanks for joining us everybody and good night. Join us again next time, but for now, we are signing off.


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