The HWL Pro Wrestling Game

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12/04/2019 4:45 pm  #1

HWL Overdrive Episode #23 (12/04/19)

Pyros light up the HWL Arena in St. Louis as we kick off one last episode of HWL Overdrive before Starrcade and the holiday hiatus. We’re kicking things off with the women as Marina Shafir and Peyton Royce start to make their way to the ring, but as Peyton is coming down the rampway, Bayley charges out behind her and attacks her from behind before tossing her off the rampway and into the barricade. Bayley then heads to the ring and we’re ready to get this Triple Threat Match under way.

Match #1 – Triple Threat Match - Bayley vs. Peyton Royce vs. Marina Shafir

Bayley and Shafir square off and Bayley sends her reeling back against the ropes with a flurry of Forearm Shivers. Bayley then whips Shafir off into the ropes and connects with a Double-A Spinebuster. Peyton then climbs up onto the ring apron and Bayley knocks her out with a Bionic Elbow and Peyton drops to the ring apron and drops out to the floor. Bayley then goes for an Atomic Leg Drop on Shafir, but Shafir rolls out of the way and Bayley crashes to the mat. Shafir then bounces off the ropes and connects with a Running Knee Smash to the face. Shafir then dives into the cover, but Bayley kicks out. Shafir then climbs out onto the ring apron as Peyton struggles back up to her feet out on the floor and Shafir connects with a Running Bulldog on Royce to the floor. Shafir then starts to climb back into the ring, but Bayley catches her with a boot to the chin and then a Rope-hang DDT.  Bayley then lets Shafir stumble back up to her feet and finishes her off with the Belly-to-Bayley Suplex and covers her for the three count.

Bayley picks up the win here on the final Overdrive of 2019. We’re going to take you now to a word from our sponsors. When we come back, the final spot in BattleBowl’s Lethal Lottery will be up for grabs.

Back from the break, Triple H, Hangman Page, Wesley Blake, Elias and Marty Scurll make their way to the ring for this five-way Elimination Match.

Match #2 – Five-Way Elimination Match – Marty Scurll vs. Elias vs. Wesley Blake vs. Hangman Page vs. Triple H

The men tear into each other as the match gets under way and HHH takes both Scurll and Blake down with a Double Clothesline and Hangman Page hits Elias with a kick in the gut that knocks him through the ropes and out to the ring apron. HHH then boots Hanmang in the gut and sets up for the Pedigree, but Page counters into a Back Body Drop. Scurll then tries to hook Page from behind in the Chicken Wing, but Page counters and shoves Scurll into a Superkick from Blake. Page then hits Blake with a Reverse DDT and then moves out of the way as HHH comes in with a Harley Race Knee Drop on Blake. Blake then stumbles back up as Page, now out on the ring apron, somersaults back in and takes him out with a Buckshot Lariat and covers him for the three count and Blake is the first man eliminated. HHH then boots Page in the gut and this time connects with the Pedigree and covers him for the three count and Page follows Blake right out of the match, leaving just HHH, Scurll and Elias, the latter of whom is hiding out on the floor. Scurll jumps on HHH’s back and locks in a Sleeper Hold, but it has no effect and HHH back drops to the mat, smashing Scurll under him. Scurll then staggers back up as HHH bounces off the ropes and connects with a Flying Knee Smash to the face. HHH then plants Scurll with a Pedigree and covers him for the three count. Elias then comes back in and rolls HHH up from behind and hooks the middle rope for extra leverage, unnoticed by the referee as he makes the three count and Elias steals the win.

Elias is the last piece of the buzzle advancing to compete in the Lethal Lottery this Saturday at Starrcade for a chance to advance to the BattleBowl Battle Royal for a chance at the BattleBowl ring and $100,000. Join us again on Saturday for the last time in 2019, only on Pay Per View.


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