God's gift? More like God's delusion. Austin Aries face it man your on a losing streak courtesy of the Undisputed Era. You may have been the greatest cruiser weight champion in HWL history but that was only until Kyle O'Riley took that title from you at Golden Ticket. That loss has been eating at you hasn't it Austin? Your just itching to climb back on top of something to reclaim the glory that you once had. But the fact of the matter Austin Aries, is that you drew the short end of the stick this week. Your little buddy TJP drew the same stick a number of weeks ago. Do you really think you can live up to the hype?
You say you don't need anybody's help but really if your buddy TJP was there in your title defense against Kyle O'Riley maybe you would still be Cruiser weight Champion? Maybe if you had gotten yourself involved in my match with TJP you would be facing him instead of me.
Everything that you have worked hard for in these past few matches is going to unfold right in front of your eyes as Adam Cole hits a super kick, panama sunrise, and the last shot one two three. Your winner and future HWL World Heavyweight Champion ADAM COLE BAY BAY!
* Austin Aries *
You think you're so clever Adam. Trying to make me feel sorry for my loss to your boy Kyle O'Reilly. Thinking that the loss is affecting me in some kind of way. I got newsflash for you, it doesn't. You know why? Because he beat me fair and square. Just like you beat TJ Perkins clean in the ring. I admit defeat when I see it fit. But our match this Wednesday isn't going to turn out like you hope for. Instead, it's ending on a sour note. A very, very sour note.
You see...I wasn't just the Cruiserweight champion, but I was the best Cruiserweight champion that HWL ever had. While your buddy Kyle couldn't even hold it for more than a week. Losing it to a new up and comer in Teddy Hart, which by the way, a congratulations are in order. So cheers to Teddy Hart, who's just holding the title belt till my protege TJ Perkins take it away from you. Cheer... And as for Bobby Fish, he lost to Drake Maverick. Not like Kyle O'Reilly, at least he put up a fight against Teddy Hart and Nick Jackson. He lost that match in the worst way possible. Yes, he lost to a distraction made by the Viking Raiders and a quick rollup by Drake Maverick. How bad could you have lost. At least tell your boy Bobby to keep an eye out. It's not so difficult.
So now, both Kyle and Bobby Fish won't be doing what they were doing for the Cruiserweight title scene, just like me and TJ Perkins could have done in the world title tournament scene. I called that been even. Don't ya think? Of course not, cause you ain't okay with that. But that's cool. Cause when you and I are in that ring, I'm going to personally make it my own to end the lights to what the Undisputed Era is all about. No more been the elite. No more calling Bay Bay everywhere you go. And no more of your so called equalism amongst yourselves. The time to shut down your Undisputed Era is coming an end to The greatest man to have ever lived. Me.
You may have had a good laugh after my CW title got taken away, but I'll be having the last laugh once I take your chances at becoming world champion. Because Adam, you ain't on my level. In fact, you're going to find out what kind of level I truly am. And that is.....
....GOD'S LEVEL. See ya on Wednesday, Bay Bay.
Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (11/18/2019 12:37 am)
~The Undisputed Era are in the back sitting on some equipment. Adam Cole is standing front and center pacing back and forth as their music plays in the background~
Cole: You think we here in the Undisputed Era care about the Cruiser weight championship?
~All three laugh~
Cole: Yeah sure, Kyle O'Riley had fun playing that child's toy as a guitar but that's about it. You see Kyle O'Riley is saving himself for bigger and better things. Those being the HWL World Tag Team Championships. Will let the little boys play with the "Cruiser weight" championship while we.... the men of the HWL take the more important championships. You see I am getting closer and closer to taking out that little masked super hero wannabe Suicide. And right now Austin, your the one who is standing in my way. Ever since Suicide walked into this place he has had it out for the Undisputed Era, and Kyle O'Riley and Bobby Fish are both upset they couldn't be the ones to take the HWL World Tag Team Championships from him. But I will be happy to take that HWL World Heavyweight Championship from his smug waist. So excuse me if I am not taking you seriously Austin Aries, EXCUSE ME if I am looking past "gods gift"
~They all laugh~
Cole: But I have bigger plans and ideas for the future of Adam Cole, and you just don't quiet measure up.
~Fish and O'Riley laugh as Cole has a smug smile on his face~
Cole: I am clever Austin..... more clever then you could ever imagine. I want to be the best in this industry, and I know that I am. Everything you say everything you do..... it always sounds the same. You were the best at this, you are gods gift that. Well whats going to happen when I beat you on Overdrive and continue on my path to being the next HWL World Heavyweight Champion? I'll tell you what that will be Undisputed!
~Cole sits down as Fish and O'Riley get up~
Fish: Kyle....
O'Riley: Yeah Bobby?
Fish: What do you think of what the Viking Raiders had to say about us the other day?
~Kyle O'Riley then starts crying his eyes out on Bobby's shoulder which is clearly just a show~
~Kyle then starts to laugh as does Bobby Fish~
O'Riley: Are we supposed to be scared of what two big dumb ogres think?
~They laugh again~
Fish: Yeah, I mean they seem to think they are the most dominant team in the HWL locker room. But lets face it Kyle you and I are the uncrowned champs of that locker room.
O'Riley: That's right Bobby! You know we always work better as a team anyways. Forget that stupid Cruiser weight Championship anyways I hope Teddy Hart likes being champion of the babies division.
~They both Laugh~
O'Riley: We are men, we are Undisputed and we are the future HWL World Tag Team Champions.....
~They both point their thumbs to their heads~
Both: BOOM!
* We are live backstage from the locker room as Austin Aries is watching from a small monitor, but there is two dark figures behind him as the camera can't identify the two individuals that are standing next to him. Austin Aries looks into the camera. *
AA: Boys. Don't worry about those two individuals in the back, we'll be back to them in a minute. But first, let me direct your attention to what's happening right now. The issue at hand is not to be joked around. This is SERIOUS.
* Austin Aries stands up with a serious face, as he doesn't look amused to the news that Undisputed Era just said. *
AA: Undisputed Era. You claim that the Cruiserweight division is nothing but a playground for kids to play around. That your buddy Kyle was just "playing around" and that he didn't care nothing about it, other then just doing his "guitar solo" with the title belt. That's where you're wrong Adam. This division has a lot of meaning to all those Cruiserweight wrestler that this industry has brought up. People like Drake Maverick, Tony Nesse, Pete Dunne. Those people paved the way to a better wrestling. They showed the world what we "little people" can actually do. We aren't just some side show you can joke around. WE ARE BETTER. And luckily, I'm glad that Teddy Hart took the title away from Kyle. He's the kind of guy that has class, charisma and sportsmanship around this business. For that, I commend him for taking that title out your dirty pawns. Now our match at Overdrive is going to be much more than just a step forward towards that World Heavyweight title belt. No. This match that you and I are going to partake is going to be very..... very personal.
* He walks around the locker room. *
AA: It has come to my attention that all the Undisputed Era only care is Suicide. From your tag team title losses, to your chance at getting even with him. All that you guys had been doing in the past couple of month has failed time after time again. It doesn't work anymore. Now, it's time for one men to set things right. Well....actually 3 men, to be more exact. Here with me are the challengers who face the other two individuals from the Undisputed Era. They are Erik Rowe and Hanson. Otherwise known as the Viking Raiders.
* The two individuals are now seen as the Viking Raiders and Both of them walk with Austin Aries, as they exit the Locker room and walk around backstage. *
AA: You see Adam. These men that stand behind me aren't going to follow me during our match. They are here for the same reason I'm here. We are here to put a definitive end to the Undisputed Era's antic.....Once and For all. So Erik. Hanson. Do you guys have anything to say?
Erik Rowe: Bobby Fish....
Hanson: ....Kyle O'Reilly.
ER: You two think that us "ogres" are going to stand back and let you guys insult us like that. Big mistake.
Hanson: Huge mistake. Cause not only are we angry, were furious.
ER: And on Wednesday night, the Viking Raiders are going to march down that aisle and we're going to strike fear on your mortal souls.
Hanson: Prepare yourself for the beating of a lifetime at the hands of the most destructive tag team that HWL ever had. Bobby, Kyle. You'll soon see at first hand, what the Viking Raiders are truly made off.
Both: We'll see you boys soon enough.
* Both of them step a side back, and Austin Aries arrives to some stairs that lead to the rafters. And all 3 stop there, as Austin Aries sits on the first step of those ladders. *
AA: You guys must be wondering, why me and the Viking Raiders are in these area of the arena. It's pretty self explanatory really. We're here because this is where Suicide usually hangs out. This is the same place where he watches from above all the things that happen in the ring. But were not here in a quest to look for the masked saviour. That's something you 3 would be doing if you weren't so concentrated on us. No. We are here to tell you guys, that what you doing here is pointless. All the drama that you guys been circulating for the past couple of month is all for nothing. Suicide got the better of you guys. He got the better of me. He got the better of TJ Perkins. He got the better of ALL OF US. But this doesn't mean that there is no solution to the Suicide's crisis. There is a way. And the only way to make sure that he's stopped is by stopping you Adam Cole.
* He stands up and marches back to the locker room with Viking Raiders going there separate ways from Austin Aries. *
AA: You have ridicule this company to it's entirety. Made fun of the Cruiserweight division like we're toddlers in kindergarten. Laugh at the good name that is Austin Freaking Aries. And on top of all of that, you tell me that I'm nothing more than a repetitive guy who's only good in saying that I'm God's Gift and that I'm the greatest person to have ever lived. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT ADAM COLE. YOU DAMN RIGHT I'M GOD'S GREATEST HUMAN GIFT. And to prove you wrong, I'm going to whipe that smug smile and annoying laughing hyena voice straight clean out of the face of this planet.
* He arrives to his locker room and opens the door and sits down on his chair the opposite way. *
AA: There's only two night holding us apart. Two fucking nights from you and me fighting in that ring. The only reason I don't come running into you guys is because if I do that, HWL's management will kick me to the curve and take me out of the running for World title. Something you clearly are desperate of seen. But I'm a patient man. Just ask Buddy Murphy. He'll tell you all about how patient I can truly be. Yet, the results between us is going to be a whole lot different from what you say is going to be. The results is going to be simply.....STUNNING. Now, if you'll excuse me folks.....I'm going to stay here. Alone. And meditate all the different possibilities and scenarios that's about to happen in the next 48 hours. Believe me, you guys don't want to be hear. This mind has many ideas set up. Just waiting for the perfect plan to be executed on the Undisputed Era. So off you guys go.....
* He stands up and tells the crew with his hand to leave the are. He then indicates something to the cameras as they zoom in. *
AA:....And Adam, make sure that Bobby and Kyle bring a big black duffel bag out after our match, cause after I'm done with'll be covered in your own blood and shit, and me personally I don't want to see your carcass once our match is finished. Goodbye now.
* He slams the door in the camera face as scenes fades away *
Last edited by Th3Rickst3r (11/19/2019 1:39 pm)
Hello, my name is Tomasso. I am here today to explain a few things.
As you can see, you do not see me with a twat knot. I am a real man. I am rugged, bearded, balded.
I am not wearing secondhand flannel. I clean my clothing. I wear my clothing when it is appropriate.
I don't need a guitar. I don't need to play songs to explain myself. I don't need to moonlight as someone else with another talent because I am ashamed to call myself a true professional wrestler.
My name is Tomasso Ciampa. The Black Heart. Amongst those who actually have talent. Who actually can rightfully call themselves a professional wrestler, of which is more than worthy to call themself championship material.
Goldie, Daddy gets one step closer after I eviscerate and emasculate Elias, and cause that man to emancipate himself from himself.